About 5 weeks from baby and still undecided on names…
We would love to hear your opinions! We love the sound and ease of [name]Waylon[/name], the strength and nickname for [name]Coltrane[/name] ([name]Cole[/name]), and the unassuming grace and coolness of [name]Ray[/name]. Middle name [name]Thomas[/name].
[name]Waylon[/name] – makes me think of [name]Waylon[/name] [name]Jennings[/name] and one of the most awful little boys I’ve ever worked with. I think it sounds like “wailing” and just generally dislike it. I’m sorry if that’s harsh, but I think there are better names for the sound and ease. Please don’t be offended.
[name]Coltrane[/name] – I think it’s very cool and the jazz connection is very cool too. I think it might be one of those that might at first over shadow your little boy until his personality grows into it. [name]Cole[/name] (and Trane for that matter) is a very cool nickname.
[name]Ray[/name] – I’m biased as I had a terrible boyfriend with this name, but putting that aside, I think it has a fine sound. I don’t get grace from it, but I can see coolness and it has a country twang to it for me (like [name]Waylon[/name]).
With the middle name [name]Thomas[/name]:
[name]Waylon[/name] [name]Thomas[/name] – This has a nice sound. It flows well and goes together pretty well.
[name]Ray[/name] [name]Thomas[/name] – This sounds fine too, though a bit choppy to me, that certainly shouldn’t bother you.
[name]Coltrane[/name] [name]Thomas[/name] – While I do really like [name]Coltrane[/name], I’m sad to say it doesn’t go too well with [name]Thomas[/name]. However, keep in mind that the middle name is rarely used in conjunction with the first name so that might not be too much of a problem if it doesn’t bother you.
I think [name]Waylon[/name] has the grace and coolness of [name]Ray[/name]. Refreshing name. [name]Ray[/name] [name]Waylon[/name] would be kind of lovely, repetitive in a good way I think. [name]Coltrane[/name] has a bit of a hipster tinge, unless you’re actual musicians, or serious [name]Coltrane[/name] fans.
[name]Waylon[/name] is beautiful and free-sounding, and if you use [name]Thomas[/name] as a middle, it sounds a little like “Wailin’ [name]Thomas[/name]” a la Howlin’ [name]Wolf[/name]!
Ha! Dantea- just read your comment about [name]Waylon[/name]- “wailing.” See… I think it’s cool, in a blues musician kind of way.
[name]Wayland[/name] would solve that.
Oh [name]Emma[/name], I get what you’re saying. In the sense I was thinking, it was more “screaming” than Howlin’ [name]Wolf[/name] like. I do see what you’re saying there which give it a tiny bit of goodness to me as I like Howlin’ [name]Wolf[/name].
I agree that [name]Coltrane[/name] [name]Thomas[/name] doesn’t go so well together… but you’re also right that we won’t see the first and middle together that often. We’re torn on [name]Waylon[/name]. But enjoy saying it for some reason. Our fear is the same as yours - that it would become Wailin’ [name]Waylon[/name], or something. I keep leaning towards [name]Ray[/name]. It seems to be both unique (in the sense that it’s not used very often anymore - #685!) and a ‘regular’ guy name, which we like. It’s not an exciting or epic name… but there’s something about it that I like. I like the word you used, [name]Emma[/name] - refreshing.
I love [name]Waylon[/name] (and I’m a fan of [name]Waylon[/name] [name]Jennings[/name] so it’s a positive association for me). Good strong masculine name. I like [name]Coltrane[/name]. It’s alright. I do not like [name]Ray[/name]. I’ve never liked the name [name]Ray[/name]. A friend dated a guy named [name]Ray[/name] and he was a JERK. [name]How[/name] about [name]Robert[/name] instead of [name]Ray[/name]?
I like [name]Coltrane[/name] best…[name]Ray[/name] reminds me of a filler middle name for some reason…like there’s not enought to it. Then again I usually prefer names that are at least two syllables. [name]Waylon[/name] is okay and stands on its own yet it still gives me that -on end of the name sound which I’ve grown to be so tired of lately. Maybe its because I know a [name]Jaylen[/name].
Oh, one thought on [name]Ray[/name] which came to me with the pp’s comment about [name]Ray[/name] seeming like a filler middle name, it made me remember that 90% of the girls born at the hospital in the north of the city had the middle name [name]Rae[/name]/[name]Ray[/name]/ and [name]Raye[/name] last month so maybe that’s why I don’t like it as much as other short, smooth names, it just seems so bland compared to other short smooth names like [name]Tate[/name] or [name]Cole[/name].