Thoughts on Zillah pronounced like Lyla?

I’ve loved the name [name]Lyla[/name] ever since I was young. My cousin had a lovely Aunt [name]Lyla[/name] who I enjoyed spending time with even though she wasn’t my own aunt. [name]Lyla[/name] was named for her father, [name]Lyle[/name] and I’ve always had it on my list of potential baby names. Part of the draw for the name was that it wasn’t so common. Now it’s fast rising in popularity and I am less inclined to use it because of that. A friend of mine has a niece, [name]Lyla[/name], and I am hearing it more and more. I grew up with an uncommon name, [name]Libby[/name]. I only met one other older [name]Libby[/name] growing up and her name was a nn, while mine is my full name. [name]Libby[/name] seems to be getting a bit more use as a baby name and I guess there are more lil Libbys around, but still as a 30 something woman I don’t run into other Libbys much, my age or younger.

Back to [name]Zillah[/name]. I’ve been re-reading A Swiftly Tilting Planet by [name]Madeleine[/name] L’Engle and there is a character with the name, [name]Zillah[/name]. My first take on reading it was that it should be pronounced Z(ill) ah, but that evokes thoughts of Godzilla and I’m not too sure about that. I love the look of the name and would love it with a pronunciation like [name]Lyla[/name] Z(eye) lah. I’m thinking I would have to spell it as [name]Zilah[/name] (think [name]Delilah[/name]) or even Zyla to avoid it being pronounced Z(ill) ah, but then I wonder if I am venturing too far into creative spelling and made up names. I want a less common name for my baby, but one that is also not too out there. Thoughts? Thanks in advance.

I think it would have to be [name]Zilah[/name], because [name]Zillah[/name] definitely reads as the short-vowel i sound. It’s definitely uncommon, but not unheard of. I just looked at the extended name list for 2011 and there were 9 Zilahs and 9 Zillahs in the US last year. Not sure about [name]Canada[/name] (it looks like you’re from there, right?). I’d be interested in seeing what other Berries think, but I like it.

You might consider Xyla if you really want the “eye” sound. I could see people saying [name]Zee[/name]-lah for [name]Zilah[/name]. It’s very uncommon, but I can see the appeal.

I definitely see the appeal, but I don’t think [name]Zillah[/name] or [name]Zilah[/name] would ever be seen as “Zyla,” and would always be assumed to be “[name]Zilla[/name]” like Godzilla, even if you corrected people.

I think [name]Lyla[/name] is your best bet.

Zyla is OK… Am I off-base to mention Zyllah as an option?

Yes, I’m from the [name]West[/name] coast of [name]Canada[/name]. :slight_smile: I usually look at the vital stats website for my province for popularity of baby names and [name]Zillah[/name] isn’t listed, nor [name]Zilah[/name]. [name]Lyla[/name] was given to 36 babies in BC last year, but it’s been on a steady increase since 2006 and I feel like it will only get more popular. It is still on my short list as I really do love it. [name]Ah[/name].

Thanks for the suggestion of Xyla.

No, not at all. I am liking the look of Zyllah too. Thank you. Yes, I really don’t want to set my child up for a lifetime of correcting the pronunciation of their name. Hmm, more to think about. :wink:

We named our daughter [name]Zillah[/name] (z-ILL-ah) in 2010… and yes, it was from [name]Madeline[/name] L’Engle. I didn’t actually know it was from the Old Testament until later (although it’s much easier to explain that way). I can’t believe it but Godzilla never even crossed my mind until after she was born and we told everyone her name. My sibs teased me quite a bit! And I had to laugh at myself the first time I said “Oh God, [name]Zillah[/name]!!”. 99% of the of the pronunciations I’ve found online match z-ILL-ah but one I found was more like “SEE-lah”.
We pretty much have to repeat her name a couple times every time someone asks, and they usually say “Oh, Z-i-l-l-a?”. Then they usually say “oh… where did you get that name” or “that’s so pretty!” depending on whether or not they think I’m crazy. I would go with Zyla or Xylah or [name]Zila[/name] if you are worried but honestly, people are probably going to ask you twice anyway. It’s an unusual enough (unless you are Jewish; it is an old-fashioned Jewish name I have learned) name that I wouldn’t worry. Of course, this is coming from a couple who named their second daughter “[name]Terra[/name]”. :slight_smile:
Good luck and whatever you decide, I am sure it will be beautiful.