I babysit for a friend sometimes, and everytime I’ve gone to baby sit her kids ([name]Eleanor[/name] who is 4 and [name]August[/name] who is 2, love their names!) , they watch cbeebies often, and there is a programme called ‘Woolly and [name]Tig[/name]’
At first I thought [name]Tig[/name] was a stuffed animal or something but it’s the name of the little girl in the show, and Woolly is her toy spider. At first I didn’t like the name but now it’s grown on me, because the little girl is quite a cutie.
I was wondering what it could be a nickname for…
I suppose it could be one of those ‘cutesy’ nicknames that has nothing to do with the childs actual name… I know a girl called [name]Ava[/name] who gets called Boo nearly all the time!
So WDYT of [name]Tig[/name] and What could [name]Tig[/name] be a nickname for?
[name]Teagan[/name] maybe?
Maybe it’s supposed to be a fn/mn combo like [name]Tilly[/name] [name]Grace[/name] or something.
I think [name]Tig[/name] is a cute nn but I think I’d prefer it on a boy than a girl.
There is a character nn’d [name]Tig[/name] on [name]Son[/name]'s of Anarchy as well.
There’s a comedian named [name]Tig[/name] Notaro. I just looked it up, and her full name is [name]Mathilde[/name] O’[name]Callaghan[/name] Notaro.
The only name that I can think of that [name]Tig[/name] really makes sense as a nickname for is [name]Antigone[/name]. I guess it could work for anything that begins with that T sound, but that’s a bit more of a stretch.
This is who I thought of first too. Wikipedia says [name]Tig[/name] is a childhood nickname, but doesn’t say where she got it. I also thought of The Tale of Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle, but an imaginary hedgehog doesn’t offer much insight either.