TMI question from first time mom. Advice?

Sorry if this is TMI but I need to ask other moms and google didnt help me. I am just over 17 weeks and recently went to the hospital for a bright red bleed. They said I have complete placenta previa and put me on bed rest. I have a doctor appointment in a few days but having gotten false info from her three different times (no worries looking for a new doctor…) I dont really trust her to answer this question accuratly. I am just wondering if any other moms have had this issue.

Recently every time I have to pee I dont get the normal “I gotta go” sensation at all. I just get dull craps right at my pantie line that almost always go away after I go. No more bleeding since the day after the ER but are the cramps when I have to go normal?:oops:

Sounds like a urinary tract infection, did they do a urine test when you went In? That can also cause bleeding, but i am sure your doctor already ruled that out.

I have also had burning since seven and a half weeks. They keep doing urinalysis after urinalysis at the hospital and the doctor and they always just shrug and say “no infection so its not that…” umm okay… so what is it? Its so frustrating to me! Burning is never normal. The hospital did finally diagnose bacterial vaginosis but put me on an antibiotic for it and I finsished it weeks ago. It kindof makes me angry I keep complaining and my doctor told me to “just drink more water”. Umm good advice but that wont take away an infection. I dont know what to do??

Hi wishingstar-- I am not an OB/gyn but what you are describing is not a typical symptom of pregnancy, nor should your urinary function be in any way affected by the position of your placenta within the uterus. The only way that could happen is if your placenta were to turn cancerous and begin invading through the wall of the uterus into the bladder, a condition called placenta percreta. This is thankfully extremely rare, and as someone diagnosed with a complete previa I assume you are getting regular ultrasounds which would completely rule this out.

Instead, what you are describing sounds a great deal like interstitial cystitis. It is worth googling a little bit to see if the symptoms strike you sound similar. There are many treatments, some of which are safe in pregnancy, some which aren’t

I sorry your care from your OB has been unsatisfactory. However, as I am sure you know complete previa is a very serious condition which is potentially life-threatening for you and your baby. Sometimes it can resolve spontaneously as the uterus grows as the pregnancy progresses. However if you are going to change OBs you should do so AsAP. You need to have an elective csection scheduled and you want everything to be on file, easily accessible in the medical record of whichever hospital you plan on delivering at in the event you either go into labor or begin to bleed. Someone needs to be watching you closely as you are now very high-risk. Not to be too alarmist but like I said, if you wish to switch doctors you should do so soon.

I’m sorry this is happening. It sounds so frustrating! You’re in my thoughts, and I hope your new doctor(s) are able to give you more information. In the meantime, stay as positive as you can.

Wishing you a safe and healthy, full-term delivery.