To Beau or not to Beau...

Hello! I am more than halfway through my third pregnancy and need help narrowing down our name choices. We are having a boy. We have a daughter named [name]Adair[/name] Reneau, and a son named [name]Brooks[/name] [name]Randall[/name]. We have a three syllable last name that starts with a “T” and ends in an “i”. These are the names we are considering. Please let me know your thoughts, or if you have any additional ideas that I haven’t thought of yet. Thank you!

(listed in no particular order)

  1. [name]Emmett[/name] [name]Blaine[/name]
  2. [name]Blaine[/name] Roughton (Roughton – pronounced like Rou-tun – is a family name)
  3. [name]Beau[/name] [name]Buchanan[/name] ([name]Buchanan[/name] is a family name)
  4. [name]Beauregard[/name] [name]Buchanan[/name] (we’d call him [name]Beau[/name] but I like that [name]Beauregard[/name] is Southern and substantial sounding)
  5. [name]Beau[/name] or [name]Beauregard[/name] Roughton
  6. [name]Gabriel[/name] [name]Buchanan[/name] (nn. [name]Gabe[/name])
  7. [name]Miles[/name] [name]Buchanan[/name]

I also like [name]Palmer[/name] and [name]Beech[/name] but my husband is not a huge fan of those.

To [name]Beau[/name]! I love [name]Beau[/name], especially as an nn for [name]Beauregard[/name].

I agree with holbs, [name]Beauregard[/name] is beautiful. I love all your choices by the way, especially [name]Adair[/name], it’s been one of my favorites for a while. [name]Beauregard[/name] [name]Buchanan[/name]…it sounds very regal and like it has a lot of family history. I also like [name]Blaine[/name] Roughton, it fits well with his siblings

I love [name]Emmett[/name] [name]Blaine[/name]! Very nice. I’m sorry to be blunt but I can’t stand the name [name]Beau[/name]. [name]Just[/name] me though. If you love it, go for it!

I love [name]Miles[/name], [name]Blaine[/name] and [name]Gabriel[/name] best, in that order! I do like [name]Beau[/name] and [name]Beauregard[/name], but not so much with your other childrens’ names.

My favorites are [name]Emmett[/name] [name]Blaine[/name] and [name]Gabriel[/name] [name]Buchanan[/name]. I think those two work best with your other kids’ names (which are great, by the way!)… leaning slightly towards [name]Emmett[/name].

[name]Beau[/name] is not my favorite name but it seems to fit best with your other children. I do prefer [name]Beauregard[/name]. I say do it!

With [name]Adair[/name] and [name]Brooks[/name], I think [name]Miles[/name] [name]Buchanan[/name] or [name]Emmett[/name] [name]Blaine[/name] would be the best choices. I like children to have their own initial. [name]Gabriel[/name] is a fine name but seems longish next to the other two. Good luck.

FYI - Beaufort “[name]Bo[/name]” [name]Buchanan[/name] was a character on the TV soap opera “[name]One[/name] Life To Live”.

I [name]LOVE[/name] the name [name]Beau[/name]. It’s on my list. Also, I have a soft spot for [name]Beauregard[/name]. I say go for it, because it’s handsome and strong. I actually like all of your names, though.

[name]Beau[/name] or [name]Beauregard[/name] Roughton followed by [name]Beauregard[/name] [name]Buchanan[/name] and Blaine Roughton. Great taste in names, by the way.

I love [name]Beau[/name]! Fits perfectly with your kid’s names. I also love [name]Emmett[/name] and [name]Miles[/name], but [name]Beau[/name] is great!

I like [name]Beauregard[/name] the least (prefer just [name]Beau[/name]), but think all the others are good options! Like your style.

Thanks for everyone’s feedback. I appreciate the honest responses and the praise for my children’s names. : ) You all have definitely provided a lot of insightful comments, and the helpful commentary gives me a lot to think about. I’ve shared these comments with my husband, and funny but I come to find out that Beau is not exactly his favorite, though I still love it. (It seems like people either love it or hate it!) I had no idea Bo Buchanan was a One Life to Live character, but thank you for pointing that out! I think our favorites going into it are Blaine Roughton, Gabriel (“Gabe”) Buchanan and Emmett Blaine, and possibly Beau…

The nuances I see for each one are – for Blaine Roughton, he’d share the same initials as my son, though it would give all of my children middle names beginning with “R”; for Gabriel Buchanan, I like that all of my children’s first names would have an “r” in them, and I think that if we called him Gabe, it would go better with my children’s pretty short names. The only downside I see is that apparently “Gabriel” is quite popular, though I see it more as a classic popular name than a trendy popular name, which softens that negative. For Emmett Blaine, I like that the initials E.B. are the same as my mother’s father whom I never met and that it combines two names that I love; on the flipside, there is no family ties to either name, and all of our other children have middle names that are family names. So that is my overanalysis! Thanks for reading!

I don’t like [name]Beau[/name]. To me its the equivalent to naming a girl [name]Honey[/name].

I like [name]Gabriel[/name], [name]Miles[/name], [name]Emmett[/name].

I loved [name]Beau[/name] and would definitely have used it until my husband asked me to imagine a hairy, middle aged truck driver named [name]Beau[/name]. I just couldn’t imagine it. A lovely name for a little boy, but a name I can’t see growing with him into adulthood. From your list, [name]Gabriel[/name] is my favourite. Handsome and classy!

[name]Gabriel[/name] [name]Beauregard[/name] is the other real contender my husband and I have on our list. If we don’t go with [name]Ambrose[/name]
in the end, than it’s definitely this name. Maybe it would be the best of both worlds for you too!!!

I hope that helps <3

I’d like to suggest Beaumont. Beautiful Mountain

I love the name [name]Beau[/name] in itself but not [name]Beauregard[/name]. As a Southerner the only thing I can think of is a bloodhound when I hear [name]Beauregard[/name] not to be offensive. I think my favorite is [name]Beau[/name] Roughton

Thanks for your comments. And [name]Gigi[/name] thanks for sharing your potential name with me. I hadn’t thought of [name]Beauregard[/name] in the middle spot, but that is something to think about. Bigdaddy Beaumont is a neat name, but for geographic proximity to a town of the same name, I can’t use it. : ) That is humorous regarding the bloodhound and truck driver comment. I would be okay not being able to picture [name]Beau[/name] as a future truck driver, because that probably would not be his chosen profession, but of course he is free to follow his passions! : ) At this point we are kind of leaning toward [name]Gabriel[/name] with nn. [name]Gabe[/name], middle either [name]Buchanan[/name], Wortham or Roughton, all family names…

I love [name]Miles[/name], [name]Gabriel[/name] and [name]Emmett[/name] (in that order). They would be wonderful with your other children’s names as well.