To double mn a twin girl, or not?

I like a lot of set-up in my posts, so bear with me. :slight_smile:

My husband and I have a 17month old. And, boy/girl twins on the way.

We’ve decided on first names and the boy’s middle name. However, I’m a little hesitant about the girl’s middle name and I want to have something picked out that I have No hesitation over before we make any sort of announcement. That way, when/if the obligatory negative comment(s) come, they won’t make me go name crazy again. :wink:

(Not looking for advice on the first names. I won’t be offended, it’s just that we’ve weighed the pros and cons for Months and have decided 100%. Here’s that thread if you’re extremely interested.)

I’m thinking of using a double middle name for our daughter. But, I don’t personally like hyphenated names. And, I would feel a little weird about her having four separate names when both of the boys only have 3 (but it wouldn’t bother me That badly, since they’re not Identical twins and it would give her something extra to stand out from the boys). So, I was wondering people’s thoughts on just putting the names together to make one name.

In presenting all of the facts we have:
[name]Conor[/name] [name]Alexander[/name] (17m old)

Twin Boy
[name]Cormac[/name] [name]Sebastian[/name]

Twin Girl
[name]Cordelia[/name] JaneMarie (On forms, Janemarie, so it will all be on there and we don’t have to choose which mn to “officially” use)

The reason is that my husband picked out the middle names and chose [name]Jane[/name]. At the time, oblivious to the fact that my mother’s mn is [name]Jane[/name]. I would hate to name her after my mother and not have anything from his family in any of the names. [name]Marie[/name] is his mother’s mn, and a popular one, in general, on both sides of the family.

So, is JaneMarie, all together, odd?

It’s defiantly odd in my opinion. It would be better just do do one or the other or maybe split them into 2. If you plan on having more children. I see no problem using [name]Jane[/name] now and [name]Marie[/name] later… A hyphen might also help: [name]Jane[/name]-[name]Marie[/name]

I don’t think Janemarie is odd, it has the same feel to is as [name]Annemarie[/name]; I like it actually.

JaneMarie is not something I’ve seen before, but if it has meaning for you and your family, go for it. As missylynn just typed it, I prefer it Janemarie… No capital M. I think it helps it flow better if you don’t want to have 2 separate middle names. Since [name]Jane[/name] and [name]Marie[/name] are both pretty short, I don’t think it’s such a problem for her to have 2 middle names (4 total names) either.

Congrats on your twins. [name]Love[/name] the names you chose.

I wouldn’t say it’s odd, but such a beautiful and strong name as [name]Cordelia[/name] doesn’t really need two middle names in my opinion (although two middles names doesn’t detract from [name]Cordelia[/name]'s full name as a whole). If you plan on having other in the future, I would wait to use [name]Marie[/name] or [name]Jane[/name] later. But if you do use JaneMarie, I would seperate them. I read/say JaneMarie more rushed and as one name than [name]Jane[/name] [name]Marie[/name], two seperate middle names (which I like better than a mash up).

I think [name]Cordelia[/name] Janemarie is lovely!

I think it looks very odd. You are not obligated to honor anyone and if the other side of the family gets offended, that’s silly. He picked the name and you can’t help that it’s your mothers mn. I would go with [name]Cordelia[/name] [name]Jane[/name], but that’s just my opinion. I think double middles are just too much b

I think it looks very odd. You are not obligated to honor anyone and if the other side of the family gets offended, that’s silly. He picked the name and you can’t help that it’s your mothers mn. I would go with [name]Cordelia[/name] [name]Jane[/name], but that’s just my opinion. I think double middles are just too much.

I really like Janemarie! I agree with a couple others who said drop the capital M. I am a fan of [name]Annemarie[/name] also, and think Janemarie with no capital ‘M’ has the same charm. It looks feminine and sophisticated when made into one word, but feel starts to feel trendy and off-putting when you capitalize the ‘M’.

I too think that [name]Cordelia[/name] [name]Jane[/name] is a beautiful choice if you decide to forgo [name]Marie[/name]!

It’s nice that you to want to use a name from your husband’s side of the family. However, I find JaneMarie to be unusual, while Janemarie is both unusual and charming. That said, combining the names will give your daughter a somewhat complicated name. It’s not terrible, but I don’t think it’s worth it. I like [name]Cordelia[/name] [name]Jane[/name] best.

Personally, I would avoid using JaneMarie because when verbally giving her name to another person who is writing it down, she will have to explain that the names are combined and that the M is capitalized. Without an explanation, her middle name will be written down by others as [name]Jane[/name] [name]Marie[/name]. When people see “JaneMarie” on paper, they are likely to assume there was supposed to be a space in between them and “correct” that by separating the names on documents, etc. The bottom line is that JaneMarie (and Janemarie) will require explanations, clarifications, and mistakes are likely. On the other hand, [name]Jane[/name] would be an effortless choice that would eliminate any and all such concerns. She could simply bask in having a beautiful (and uncomplicated) name.

Due to the potential hassles, I don’t think it’s worth it to add [name]Marie[/name], especially in light of these factors: (1) [name]Jane[/name] was YOUR HUSBAND’S choice, so using [name]Jane[/name] alone does not mean you are actively excluding anyone’s side. (2) If your husband did not know [name]Jane[/name] was your mother’s middle name, it seems likely that your [name]MIL[/name] does not know that either, so your [name]MIL[/name] is unlikely to be offended - especially if she understands that [name]Jane[/name] was simply your husband’s choice. (3) If your [name]MIL[/name] does find out it is your mother’s middle name, you can point out the coincidence of the situation, and let her know that the name [name]Marie[/name] is already lined up to be the middle name if you have another daughter.

I think it’s so sweet!! I absolutely adore your children’s names, they are BRILLIANT. I would love JaneMarie or Janemarie even if it didn’t have some family significance to you, but the fact that it does makes it even better.

Thanks everyone for all of the opinions so far! :slight_smile:

It’s still being decided on.

A few points to clarify:
~It will either be [name]Both[/name] middle names (together or separately), or a completely different name with a connection to no one. Ours will most likely be the only grandchildren for his parents, while there are 8 on my side. His mother has made it clear from the beginning (not in a pushy way) that she’d like a gc named for her in some way (her fn lends itself to various girl/boy forms). Also out of 8 gc, none are named for my mother in any way either, and I know she’d also really like it.

~At Some point in the last 12 years, my husband has known my mother’s mn. And, it’s likely that my [name]MIL[/name] does know it. [name]Even[/name] if she doesn’t, we’re currently expats living 3500 miles away from everyone, in a different country & 95% of our communication is done with everyone through fb. It [name]Will[/name] be pointed out over and over that [name]Jane[/name] is for my mother, by various friends/family. I don’t feel Obligated to honor my [name]MIL[/name], in general, but would never make a choice that would cause hurt feeling for either grandmother, especially through my [name]MIL[/name]'s only grand daughter.

~This [name]Will[/name] be my last pregnancy. So, no name saving for “future” children. And, this is most likely the last chance for both sides to get someone named for them. First was a high-risk, surprise pregnancy. This one is also high-risk & extra twin-risk on top of it. Twins increase my chances for twins again, or even triplets. I’m also pushing the 35 year old mark, when other risks get added on top of the ones I started with. I can’t see doing another high-risk pregnancy while I have 3 little ones and no family around to help out.

~Found out that my husband would really like a little “C.J.”, so it’s a J mn he’s after. Not many others out there that I like.

So, basically it’s Now or Never. [name]Both[/name] names (in some form), or neither. :slight_smile:

Under the circumstances you described, I see why it’s important and so special to use both names now for [name]Cordelia[/name]. The name combination sounds gorgeous, it’s just a question of how to write the name.

I like the options in this order, but it’s nearly a tie between the first two.

#1 [name]Cordelia[/name] Janemarie
#2 [name]Cordelia[/name] [name]Jane[/name] [name]Marie[/name]
#3 [name]Cordelia[/name] JaneMarie
#4 [name]Cordelia[/name] [different middle name] - But I hope you use [name]Cordelia[/name]'s grandmother’s middle names instead!

I think [name]Jane[/name] [name]Marie[/name] and [name]Jane[/name]-[name]Marie[/name] are your best options in that case

I think it is gorgeous! I love [name]Cormac[/name] and [name]Cordelia[/name].

Thanks everyone for the input!

We finally decided and announced names on [name]Sunday[/name]. I have to say that our choices got much better reception on here (and from our friends on fb) than they did from our immediate families, which I have to say was rather disappointing. Though, I figured that’s what would happen, so at least it wasn’t out of nowhere! They didn’t like the choice for our first son either when we announced it. Oh well, what can you do…

We decided to go with Janemarie, all one word, all lower case. I figured that would be the easiest to quickly explain to people. There’s sometimes name confusion with even the most seemingly simple names out there. It all depends on who you’re talking to. Like, our last name is very simple and straight forward, but it’s also a very common fn, so we have to work that one out over the phone often.

Janemarie all together assures that neither will get dropped, as would most certainly happen if they were separate names. No hyphen means no screw ups on legal/electronic forms that don’t accept them. And, all lower case means that hopefully all she’s have to say when explaining her name is that’s it’s all one word, instead of also having to get into it being all one word, but also a cap. in the middle. Which, considering some of the Crazy spellings and formation of names that are floating around out there, isn’t such a big deal.

Again, thanks to everyone for their opinions and suggestions. :slight_smile:

I am surprised how many people think it looks odd. I think Janemarie or JaneMarie either way (though I prefer no capital) is a sweet way to honor both mothers, and I think the flow with [name]Cordelia[/name] is fine. The funny this is that I don’t actually like [name]Jane[/name] or [name]Marie[/name] because I find them plain, but I love Janemarie as a middle!

[name]Cordelia[/name] Janemarie is GORGEOUS! I love love love [name]Cordelia[/name] and [name]Jane[/name] - especially together - the the [name]Marie[/name] makes it even more meaningful to your and your family (your daughter will love the connection to her grandmothers). It’s certainly not strange, and since she’s the only girl, it’s alright for her to have a little extra something in her name, as you said, to help her stand out from the boys. If you ever had another daughter though, you might have to consider doing something similar for her too…that’s the only hitch I can think of. But in terms of your twins, it’s definitely not weird!

Also, you have beautifully named children! I love all their names (great taste!) but especially your daughter’s name.

[name]Cordelia[/name] [name]Marie[/name]-[name]Jane[/name] i like !!

[name]Cordelia[/name] Janemarie is gorgeous!