To V or not to V

I love the name [name]Vera[/name]! I’m thinking of it for my girl, but it sounds a little bit Great- Grandma-ish. The V sound is really what gets me. Should I do [name]Ava[/name] or [name]Vivian[/name] instead? Those names seem to trendy for me, but they are definitely more in style. Help!

If you like [name]Vera[/name] I think it would work quite nicely for a girl these days, and the name doesn’t sound too old-fashioned to me.

Another V name that you might like (which also happens to be one of my favorites in general) is [name]Veronica[/name], and I’ve heard of [name]Vera[/name] used as a nickname for that one before if you think that’s a good option.

I think [name]Vera[/name] is fabulous. It’s just old fashioned and classic enough, but not overly popular right now. And most importantly, if you like it you should go with it.

I like [name]Vera[/name]. The two great grandmothers I knew were [name]Beulah[/name] and [name]Virgie[/name] so [name]Vera[/name] sounds pretty good to me. Of course I like the name [name]Lavinia[/name] as well.

Besides she may end up being called V like my friend [name]Veronica[/name].

There’s also [name]Verity[/name]. :slight_smile: It gives [name]Vera[/name] a current, virtue name vibe.

It seems out dated to me too.

I prefer other V names:

[name]Victoria[/name]. [name]Vivienne[/name], [name]Vanessa[/name], [name]Veronica[/name], [name]Via[/name], [name]Violet[/name], [name]Vashti[/name], [name]Veda[/name], [name]Valerie[/name],[name]Vanora[/name], [name]Varina[/name]…my current favorite is [name]Via[/name] and [name]Veda[/name].

[name]Vera[/name] is lovely! Warm and lush feeling. I’ve known several lovely women named [name]Vera[/name] over my lifetime and have nothing but positive associations with [name]Vera[/name]. I also have lovely images in my head with this name (I’m half Russian). I think [name]Vera[/name]'s beautiful.

I love names that start with the letter “V”. They are my current craze. [name]Vera[/name] is warm and mysterious.

Please do not name your baby [name]Ava[/name]. It is a beautiful name and I personally love it, but it is way over-used. [name]Remember[/name] how you had 5 [name]Laurens[/name] in your classes in grade school? That will be your daughter.

[name]Vera[/name], however, is a rare, unique, feminine name, and honors a relative, which is icing on the cake.

Thanks! I now have a little [name]Vera[/name] [name]Adelaide[/name]… and I’ll tell her how I decided on her name!

So is this the first nameberried baby?? We need to write about you and put your picture on our blog! If you can, please send to And congratulations!

I’m so excited! Wow, this is cool. For personal reasons, just put [name]Vera[/name] [name]Adelaide[/name] [name]Kingston[/name], born to [name]Melody[/name] and [name]Richard[/name] on [name]October[/name] 27. Her mom, [name]Melody[/name], found out about the name on this website and fell in love with the meaning (I noticed on the Cradle website it gave the Latin meaning, truth, also) and sound. She’ll be called [name]Vera[/name]. Her siblings are [name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Rae[/name] and [name]Elliot[/name] [name]Gray[/name]. They got their names from Beyond [name]Jennifer[/name] & [name]Jason[/name], [name]Madison[/name] and [name]Morgan[/name]. They are called [name]Lizzie[/name] and [name]Elliot[/name]. Thanks for all your wonderful books and website!

Our pleasure! The announcement will run as [name]Monday[/name]'s blog. And if you have a picture, please send it to and I’ll include it with the posting! Thanks and congratulations.

Congratulations on your new baby! [name]Vera[/name] [name]Adelaide[/name] is a beautiful name! (I like your other childrens’ names too)

Congartualtions - what a great combination.

Some more V names:

[name]Vera[/name] - which is nice I think
Venicia - (ven-ee-sha)

[name]Violet[/name] is really nice, I think, but it’s beginning to get popular again, and I wanted [name]Vera[/name] to have a unique, yet pretty name. I’m so proud to be the mother of the first nameberried baby!

Best wishes on the birth of your daughter, [name]Vera[/name] [name]Adelaide[/name]. You’ll have a great story to tell her about her name.

Personally I prefer [name]Verity[/name], [name]Vashti[/name] and [name]Vita[/name]. I think of [name]Vera[/name] on the sitcom [name]Alice[/name], but I’ve never actually known a [name]Vera[/name], and when I meet a cute little [name]Vera[/name] I would probably change my association and start to like it.

NOT [name]Ava[/name]. [name]Way[/name] too popular. I’m warming up to [name]Vera[/name] and now I’m thinking [name]Vera[/name] is right.