Alright, I’m about to pull my hair out here. We are moving soon and my husband and I are trying to decide if we want to put our 21 mo old (she’ll be almost 2 by the time we settle into where we are going) into a toddler bed or a twin bed. As far as I can tell, I have these pros for each type:
Toddler Bed:
can use the same crib mattress
less expensive
Twin Bed:
will last for much longer
I can get into bed with her if need be
So, I’m asking for opinions/advice on the topic. What would you do or what did you do when it came time to move baby out of the crib?
Our crib turns into a toddler bed so we just used that. If we didn’t have that then we would have gone to a twin bed and just bought the side rails. They last longer and you’ll save more money in the long run because you won’t have to buy two beds.
I remember being two and having a toddler bed. I used to climb over the fence in the mornings. I would buy a twin and push it against the wall. When I was about four I got a full size bed.
Thank you ladies! Our crib can double as a toddler bed and I think we’ll use that for a little while longer. The reason this came up was that the kids share a room and I plan on giving them each a room this time. Doing that, one of them needs furniture and I decided to give [name]Arabella[/name] white furniture instead. However, I think we can live with a darkbrown bed in a light room for a bit :). At least until we settle in. Thanks again!
I think it makes more sense to get a twin since you can use it longer, but we got our oldest daughter the toddler bed because she wanted one. It was more “her size” if you KWIM.
My niece’s went straight to the twin bed though and had no problem
if your child doesn’t care… i’d go for the twin. my daughter had just seen the toddler bed and became obsessed with it lol.
I went from cribs to big beds for both of my kids. I put them in double beds, but a twin bed would obviously work if you put some little rails on so she won’t roll out (just because it’s higher than a toddler bed, so the rails would be a precaution). My son has had the same bed for 4 years and probably will stay with the same bed for a while because he’s had no need to get a different one! Neither of my kids had any problem going straight from a crib to a big bed. I’d go for that
My oldest went from a crib to a toddler bed, and now that her younger sister has taken to the toddler bed, we got our oldest a twin bed. We had much the same dillema you had, when deciding and we finally decided that we would have to get a twin eventually so why not now.