
What are your opinions on the name Tolliver?
What imagery/vibe do you get?

Also… What nicknames can you think of? Can be huge stretches

I really like Tolliver! It has a sort of buttoned-up, cutesy, nerdy vibe but with an adventurous flair.

Nicknames: Tolly, Olly, Tovy, Toby, Tobs, Terry, Tov, Liv, Livvy, Ovie, T/Tee


I really like it. It makes me think British and adventurer/traveler, tall, thin, handsome young man

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It makes me think of Gullivers travels even though it is not the same name

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[name_m]Tolliver[/name_m] is cool and interesting- familiar but distinctive too. It reminds me of the book The Mill on the [name_f]Floss[/name_f] by [name_u]George[/name_u] [name_u]Eliot[/name_u] as the central familiar has the surname Tolliver!! It gives me imagery of rivers, muddy woods and fallen leaves.

[name_m]Tolliver[/name_m] nn…


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I really like [name_m]Torry[/name_m]
Thank you

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[name_m]Tolliver[/name_m] is strong and interesting. I think of ironmongery due to the meaning — dark colours of coal and iron, sparks, heat, strength and danger.

It’s a very spiky, striking name to me but nickname [name_m]Tolly[/name_m] is a teddy bear of a name and would soften it nicely. [name_m]Tovi[/name_m] or [name_m]Tor[/name_m] would also be cool!

It’s definitely different. I’ve never heard [name_m]Tolliver[/name_m]. I don’t hate it! I’m not exactly sure how to pronounce it though? I picture an author and very studious person. It sounds like a literary name to me!

[name_m]Tollie[/name_m], Tovie, [name_f]Vivi[/name_f], T are what come to mind for nicknames

I’m not sure how I feel about this name. I guess it reminds me too much of the very popular [name_u]Oliver[/name_u] + a random T at the start. Perhaps it could grow on me though.

Nicknames: [name_m]Tolly[/name_m], Toll.

It’s my son’s middle name.We call him [name_m]Tolly[/name_m].