Too Disney?

I’d love to hear some thoughts on [name_u]Ariel[/name_u].

I really like the Hebrew heritage, I think it’s short, strong, and intellectual-sounding… but then there’s the [name_m]Little[/name_m] Mermaid.

Is that still going to be people’s first response on hearing it? The film came out in 1989! Does the Disney connotation overwhelm any others, and how bad is the Disney-factor anyway? Would it be a deal-breaker for you?

Im 23 and I still hate the movie, always had, which is why I hate that name itself.

Also it sounds too girly.

It’s time to reclaim [name_u]Ariel[/name_u]! I know a strong and intellectual woman named [name_u]Ariel[/name_u] and I say go for it. It’s a great name.

It’s not too Disney at all! I know several Ariels and it’s never the first thing to cross my mind. It’s sooo pretty and underappreciated!

Initially, yes, I would think of the [name_m]Little[/name_m] Mermaid. But just in these two minutes I took to read Nameberry’s description of the name, etc. I am already falling in love with the sound and meaning of it. The [name_m]Little[/name_m] Mermaid reference doesn’t seem overwhelming at all and I assume that’s how many, if not most, people will feel as well.

Too Disney! I met a guy named [name_u]Ariel[/name_u], who was born years before the movie, and he didnt seem to like his name.

With the [name_u]Ariel[/name_u] spelling, I do think [name_m]Little[/name_m] Mermaid, but with [name_f]Arielle[/name_f]/[name_f]Ariella[/name_f] (even [name_f]Ariela[/name_f]?) I don’t really think of it at all. I think of the meaning “lion of God” and of fierce, alluring, charming, captivating Hebrew warrior princesses. I [name_f]ADORE[/name_f] [name_f]Ariella[/name_f]/[name_f]Ariela[/name_f]. :smiley:

Good luck!

[name_u]Ariel[/name_u] has long been my favorite name for a girl - way before Disney’s [name_u]Ariel[/name_u]. I don’t have children, but I considered changing my first name to [name_u]Ariel[/name_u]. Didn’t want to do all the paperwork, so I informally changed my middle name from “[name_f]Ann[/name_f]” to “[name_u]Ariel[/name_u].” :slight_smile:

It’s a nice name, and though the association may still be there, it’s not a terrible association to have.

I am [name_f]Zena[/name_f], and grew up through the “[name_f]Xena[/name_f]: Warrior [name_f]Princess[/name_f]” days - I survived, and I love my name.

I think of the [name_m]Little[/name_m] Mermaid when I hear the name, but it’s a great movie (with great songs) so not a bad thing. Also, I would never assume that a person had been named [name_u]Ariel[/name_u] because of the movie. I think it’s a beautiful name.

I think because it was almost 30 years ago, its a thought, but not overwhelming. [name_m]Just[/name_m] like [name_f]Aurora[/name_f] is sleeping beauty. It makes it familiar without being overly popular. I know 2 [name_u]Ariel[/name_u]'s and 1 [name_f]Arielle[/name_f] and they never had any issues with it. I’d say go for it!

Yes, the name is still associated with the Disney movie, but not in an overbearing way. The name is definitely wearable. I know both a male and a female [name_u]Ariel[/name_u] and both of them wear the name well.

I look strikingly like the cartoon [name_u]Ariel[/name_u] and frequently receive comparative remarks. I see nothing negative about such an association and would only suggest going with the feminine [name_f]Arielle[/name_f] spelling. [name_u]Ariel[/name_u] is historically masculine.

30 year rule. It’s back in play. Go with [name_u]Ariel[/name_u].

I know a young child (3 or 4 years old) named [name_u]Ariel[/name_u], and that her mother chose the name because of the Disney movie. I also a few women in their mid to late 20s named [name_f]Arielle[/name_f]/[name_u]Ariel[/name_u] (two spell it the first way, but one pronounces it like the mermaid, the other more like [name_m]Sebastian[/name_m] in the movie, “[name_m]Ah[/name_m]-ree-el”, and she goes by [name_u]Ari[/name_u])

Haha, love it!

[name_u]Ariel[/name_u] is a beautiful name, for either sex. I love that it looks and sounds both delicate and strong. The Disney connection is unavoidable, but not bad. Go for it!

I love [name_u]Ariel[/name_u]! It is a very beautiful name. It’s not too girly imo, I mean it is a unisex name. I’m an [name_f]Aurora[/name_f] (my parents had no idea who princess [name_f]Aurora[/name_f] was), so I know that she will get some “hey look it’s the [name_m]Little[/name_m] Mermaid” as I get “hey sleeping beauty” but I do not think it will be an issue for her at all.

I know many girls/young women with this name, all of Hebrew heritage.

Most use the spelling [name_f]Arielle[/name_f]. I find that to be prettiest.
I also know one or two guys named [name_u]Ariel[/name_u] with that spelling. People don’t really think twice about it in my circles, but I can’t speak for anyone else’s.

I think of the The [name_m]Little[/name_m] Mermaid. I hate the movie and the character so the name is a no-go for me.

I think it has a strong connotation with The [name_m]Little[/name_m] Mermaid and always will, being that it is one of the most popular Disney films of all time. Perhaps the spelling [name_f]Arielle[/name_f] makes it a bit less obvious?