Am loving the names [name]Winnie[/name] and [name]Evie[/name], but I am concerned that they are too juvenille for a baby who will one day grow up. Thoughts? Opinions?
I’d use them as nicknames, so she had a backup name if she felt she needed something more grown-up or professional feeling later on.
Personally, I’d use them as nicknames only. I agree that neither feels like a ‘grown-up name’ but the main reason is that I love the longer versions.
For [name]Evie[/name], I think [name]Genevieve[/name] and [name]Evangeline[/name] are stylish and sophisticated and [name]Eve[/name] is so elegant.
For [name]Winnie[/name], I love [name]Winifred[/name]. [name]Wilhelmina[/name] would make an equally distinctive choice and could definitely become ‘[name]Winnie[/name]’.
Agreed. I think [name]Gwendolyn[/name], [name]Winifred[/name], or [name]Winter[/name], nn [name]Winnie[/name], and [name]Evangeline[/name], [name]Evelyn[/name], [name]Eva[/name], [name]Eve[/name], or [name]Genevieve[/name], nn [name]Evie[/name], would all be great options.
I love [name]Winnie[/name] and [name]Evie[/name], but I agree that they may seem a little too childish once your daughter is grown up.
For [name]Evie[/name], I love [name]Evelyn[/name] or [name]Genevieve[/name].
For [name]Winnie[/name], maybe [name]Winifred[/name] or [name]Bronwen[/name]/[name]Bronwyn[/name]?
I really like [name]Wynne[/name], nn [name]Winnie[/name]. Very sweet yet also dignified.
I think [name]Evie[/name] ages very well!
[name]Winnie[/name] might be better as a nn
[name]Winnie[/name] does sound more like a nn to me, so I would use a longer fn and use it as a nn. [name]Evie[/name] ages well, I think. It might seem odd to have 1 with a longer name and the other with a shorter name, though. If I were you I’d give both longer fn and use [name]Winnie[/name] and [name]Evie[/name] as nn’s.
I don’t think [name]Evie[/name] ages well at all, and its popularity in the UK bugs me. [name]Eve[/name]/[name]Eva[/name]/[name]Evelyn[/name] nn [name]Evie[/name] is a much better option in my opinion.
[name]Winnie[/name] I actually think ages better than [name]Evie[/name], mainly because I’ve encountered adult Winnies before ([name]Winifred[/name] nn [name]Winnie[/name]) so I can actually picture it on an older person.
I’m on the “great nn” bandwagon and would use one of the names already suggeste as a formal name. My personal favorite choices would be [name]Wilhelmina[/name] nn [name]Winnie[/name] and [name]Eva[/name]/[name]Genevieve[/name] nn [name]Evie[/name].
I think [name]Winnie[/name] is way too little girlish. If you name her [name]Eve[/name] or [name]Eva[/name] and nickname her [name]Evie[/name] it could work. I like [name]Eve[/name]
[name]Evie[/name] is a perfect name. [name]Genevieve[/name] and [name]Evangeline[/name] are two of the ugliest names I have ever heard. They have none of the same charm or sound as [name]Evie[/name]. I think it will age with the child just fine. I know several adult or teenage Evies and they have no problems with it. Nobody thinks it is “weird”.
[name]Evie[/name] is very pretty, and I do think it can belong to an adult, as well as a child. Plus, the most important thing is that you love the name you give your daughter!