Too late for name change?

Too late for name change?
We are struggling to decide our second sons name! Our first is named [name]Kai[/name]. Originally we wanted to go with a k name for the second too, and we were deciding between kieran and kade. Because we still hadn’t decided as of a few days old and felt pressure, we settled on kieran… [name]Kieran[/name] [name]Rio[/name]. After a couple weeks we realized both mom and dad were still referring to him as the baby and not using his name. Also multiple people have thought we said [name]Karen[/name] when asking his name. He’s one month now and the name just isn’t feeling right. Is it too late too change? We’ve already announced his name to everyone. I wanted his first name to be [name]Rio[/name] originally because goes well with [name]Kai[/name]… [name]Both[/name] words for water, but my husband only agreed for middle name. If we were to change his name, this is what were considering.

Micah Rio
[name]Miles[/name] [name]Rio[/name]
[name]Sawyer[/name] [name]Rio[/name]
[name]Kade[/name] [name]Rio[/name]

Or leave as [name]Kieran[/name] [name]Rio[/name]?

Which do you prefer? Thanks!

Sorry, have to be quick but wanted to say [name]IMO[/name] you can definitely changed his name at one month old. There are lots of posts of ‘name changing’ (mine included!) with babies a lot older. [name]Don[/name]'t worry about having to tell everyone… for someone who has experienced name regret it is SO important to feel ‘right’ about your child’s name. I like all your 3 possible names but really this is your call and it needs to sit well with you.

Good luck!
[name]Minty[/name] x

i like kai and rio togther.

~on kindle

I think it’s fine to change your son’s name when he’s only a month old. He won’t know the difference. I like [name]Sawyer[/name] [name]Rio[/name] the best of your choices. [name]Rio[/name] would be ok too if your husband is on board. Good luck!

I agree that it is fine to change your son’s name if he’s only a month old. I really like [name]Micah[/name] [name]Rio[/name] and [name]Sawyer[/name] [name]Rio[/name]–I agree with @mischa that [name]Sawyer[/name] [name]Rio[/name] is my favorite. [name]Kai[/name] and [name]Sawyer[/name] are amazing together!

Definitely not too late. If it was a last-minute decision, I think your friends/family/people you told would understand.

Thoughts on your list:

[name]Micah[/name]: I like this name. It goes with [name]Kai[/name], without being matchy, I think.
[name]Miles[/name]: Good name, but I don’t think it’s the best fit next to [name]Kai[/name].
[name]Sawyer[/name]: Too trendy. Not the best fit with [name]Kai[/name], [name]IMO[/name]. Also breaks the rule of ending with the same letter the next (middle) name begins with.
[name]Kade[/name]: Cool name, but not with brother [name]Kai[/name]. Too matchy and bordering on cheesy.

I’m not a huge fan of [name]Kieran[/name] (makes me think of [name]Macaulay[/name]'s brother), but it’s not a bad name. If it doesn’t fit your son though (the fact that you aren’t even using the name is pretty telling), I think it should be changed!

I think that [name]Kieran[/name] is a great name. If you are worried about the [name]Karen[/name] association and still want it go well with [name]Kai[/name], why not just shorten it to [name]Kier[/name]?
I have a friend with a son named [name]Kier[/name], who is now a teenager. I always thought it was such a great name.

I agree with the previous posters that 1 month isn’t too late to change his name. He’s young enough that he won’t know the difference, especially if you haven’t even been calling him by his name. He (and you guys) are going to have to live with his name for a long time, so better to change it now than wish you had changed it once it really is too late.

I love the name [name]Keir[/name], have you considered it?

Although I love [name]Micah[/name], [name]Miles[/name], and [name]Sawyer[/name] I think they are too safe/too normal next to [name]Kai[/name]. Not a [name]Kade[/name] fan but it’s the only one that matches the style of [name]Kai[/name]

I think it’s still fine to change his name at one month old. I happen to really love [name]Keiran[/name] [name]Rio[/name]. I would either keep [name]Keiran[/name] [name]Rio[/name] and use [name]Rio[/name] as as a nn so he has two choices growing up or I would legally change his first name to [name]Rio[/name]. I do not like any of the other options, mostly because I think they sound odd next to [name]Rio[/name].

I’m really not a fan of changing a baby’s name, unless there are really extreme circumstances. [name]Just[/name] call him [name]Rio[/name]. It is his middle name.

Why dont you just call him [name]Rio[/name]?

LOts of people go by their middle names! That way there is no need to change anything but you get to have rio and a [name]Kai[/name] (which I think go great together!)

I think [name]Rio[/name] is perfect with [name]Kai[/name]. I wish your husband was on board with [name]Rio[/name] as a first name.

I also agree with the pp that your other choices don’t feel quite right with [name]Kai[/name] to me, stylistically. I like [name]Miles[/name] the most, though, on its own. I think [name]Sawyer[/name] works okay as well.

I do not like the idea of shortening his name to [name]Kier[/name] (or [name]Keir[/name]). It sounds like a nickname for [name]Kiersten[/name] or [name]Kirsten[/name] to me.

It’s your call but, personally I would just try starting to call him [name]Kieran[/name] or [name]Rio[/name]. Sometimes babies grown into names. I would try that and then if calling him by his first or middle name didn’t change how I felt I would change to something that felt right. Thought whatever you do choose try a name trial on him and call him by the name for a week or two and it if feels right you have a winner.

[name]Kieran[/name] gets my vote.