So OH and I are on the search for a list of potential names for baby number two. We’ve agreed on a few so far (thank goodness!) and really like the names [name]Eden[/name] and [name]Alba[/name] for a girl.
I [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Alba[/name]. After all, we are Scottish and [name]Alba[/name] is Gaelic for [name]Scotland[/name]! My only concern is that our surname begins with a B! I mean, we’d only be calling her by her first name… but I would hate if she was teased at school for having a daft name!
Also, are [name]Ava[/name] and [name]Alba[/name] too close? I wouldn’t have thought so - just want a wee opinion on this too.
Thank you! x
I don’t think the B’s are a problem, but I do think that [name]Ava[/name] and [name]Eden[/name] go better together than [name]Ava[/name] and [name]Alba[/name].
[name]Ava[/name] and [name]Alba[/name] I think is fine IF this is your last child. If not, I think you’ll end up in a pickle on what to name the third. I think [name]Alba[/name] will be fine with a B last name. - this is just my opinion.
You might only be calling her by her first name, but she was be called by both her first name and surname elsewhere so I would definitely consider the flow of the two names together. Whenever I follow up [name]Alba[/name] with a B-name it sounds too much like a tongue twister to me.
[name]Ava[/name] and [name]Alba[/name] are very similar (at least in my Southern American accent). As for your surname beginning with a “B,” it’s hard to say if [name]Alba[/name] works or not without knowing your actual surname. For example, [name]Alba[/name] [name]Baker[/name] or [name]Alba[/name] [name]Bowen[/name] isn’t ideal. [name]Alba[/name] [name]Brennan[/name] or [name]Alba[/name] [name]Brady[/name] works though. There needs to be a consonant after the “B” to break up the “B” from the vowel.
All that said, I prefer [name]Eden[/name] with [name]Ava[/name].
I see nothing wrong with naming her [name]Alba[/name] even with your last name. I think [name]Alba[/name] is beautiful. [name]IMO[/name], it’s not too close to [name]Ava[/name], they just sound like sisters.
I did think [name]Alba[/name] Br…n was a bit of a tongue twister too. I do still love the name, so might choose to use it regardless - she will have two middle names anyway.
But I do love [name]Eden[/name] too. Ahh, who’s to say the baby will even be a girl. Then I won’t have this dilemma haha! x
I love [name]Alba[/name]! It’s so pretty! [name]Alba[/name] and [name]Ava[/name] are kind of similar, but I don’t think they’re too similar. Yeah, I think it depends on what the actual last name is. I think [name]Alba[/name] [name]Barns[/name] is a little much, but [name]Alba[/name] [name]Brown[/name] sounds better. [name]Eden[/name] is really nice too, though. It’s not as similar to [name]Ava[/name] and it may sound better with your last name. I do really really love [name]Alba[/name], though! Good luck!
I don’t think [name]Alba[/name] is too much with a B last name, it sounds fine [name]IMO[/name]. However, [name]Ava[/name] and [name]Alba[/name] are too much for me. I prefer [name]Eden[/name] and think it goes much better with [name]Ava[/name].
I think [name]Eden[/name] goes much better with both [name]Ava[/name] and your last name (unless your last name has a long E sound or ends with -en). I also prefer the name [name]Eden[/name] over [name]Alba[/name].
As it happens, our surname ends in “in”, I do agree. [name]Eden[/name] goes much better. I just love the name [name]Alba[/name]! Perhaps it will fit into our family somehow