Too similar to BFFs daughters name?

I’m really excited by the name [name_f]Cassia[/name_f]. FINALLY EXCITED BY A NAME!
However my dear dear friend has a 2 year old [name_f]Casandra[/name_f]. Personally I dont care as I see them as 2 different names…and ok maybe the same nicknames but who cares those are nicknames. And lil [name_f]Casandra[/name_f] goes by [name_f]Casandra[/name_f]. I honestly didnt even think of her until I started researching [name_f]Cassia[/name_f] and found everyone compared it to [name_f]Casandra[/name_f] and [name_u]Cassidy[/name_u]. We really do not want to tell anyone our name. But should I ask/tell my friend?
How would you feel? Are the names close enough that people will view it as “copying”?


I think it’s fine. Two of my childhood best friends had extremely similar names and the mom who named her baby after the other one was named said something like “just because we’re all friends now doesn’t mean they always will be or that they’ll care” (they are still friends btw & always thought it was cool)


I think it’s fine! They are different names and I don’t think anyone will see it as “copying”.

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Same first letter and same ending. Other than that I would say distinctly different and you should use the name you love :blush:

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Yes, please do. :slight_smile: Casandra & Cassia might both up going by Cass(ie) one day, so be warned.

I’ve always loved the name [name_f]Cassia[/name_f] too :heart:
I do think I would give your friend a “heads up” if your close. People do tend to get very “possessive” over names and I think even though you don’t need permission, it’s a nice gesture.

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Hmm, this is a difficult one. I probably would consider them too close for me if I’m honest, but I don’t think it’s unusable. [name_f]Cassia[/name_f] is a lovely name

I personally wouldn’t do that to my friend, particularly if it’s a best friend, and definitely not without asking her. I understand there are differences between the two names, but it does seem very much like “copying” [name_f]Casandra[/name_f] to me. If I were your friend, I’d feel some type of way when the name [name_f]Cassia[/name_f] is announced. I believe a good friend would at least ask her and her partner if they’re okay with it, because the last thing you’d want is your two daughters causing a rift in your friendship.

I would definitely suggest talking to your dear friend. Personally, I find them very similar. So similar that I have a difficult time saying them in the same sentence without getting tongue tied.

If [name_f]Casandra[/name_f] went by [name_u]Cass[/name_u] I’d say they might be too similar, but in this case they’re fine imo :slight_smile:

Apparently my edit didn’t stick :woman_facepalming:t2:

I added that if anyone thinks you’re copying her, those are just a small fraction of the people that will be in your daughters life. For the majority of her life, the people she knows probably won’t even know [name_f]Casandra[/name_f], much less think you you copying her mom when you named [name_f]Cassia[/name_f]. If it’s an issue at all (which I don’t personally find it to be), it’s a pretty insignificant one in the grand scheme of things imo.

I do feel like they’re very similar and I probably would ask or talk to my friend about it before using the name especially since 2 years of age difference isn’t really much especially as the children get older like when you are daughter is 15 your friends daughter will be 17 and if you live close together; they might go to the same high school or have intersecting friend groups and then you know [name_f]Cassia[/name_f] and [name_f]Cassandra[/name_f] might get confused for each other, it’s just kind of weird. However you are by no means obligated to do this. So if you are heart set on [name_f]Cassia[/name_f] and you don’t want to risk the possibility that your friend will say no then don’t mention it.

They are pretty close sound wise but totally different too. I might covertly try to get a read on how she feels about similar names without outright asking or telling. Maybe ask her what she thinks of [name_f]Cassiopeia[/name_f] (uhh too out there?) or [name_u]Cassidy[/name_u].

Of course, if you love the name and she’s a good friend she will get over it regardless of her feelings. Personally I wouldn’t worry about “copying.” I’d never assume someone copied another name. I’d think it was adorable to have a friend with a daughter with a similar name!

Personally I don’t think they are too similar for BFF daughter but I understand what your saying as my BFF has a Peyton-Rose and this (along with other factors) put me off [name_f]Rose[/name_f] and [name_f]Rose[/name_f] variants despite loving [name_f]Rose[/name_f], [name_f]Primrose[/name_f] & [name_f]Rosemary[/name_f]. In relation to you I do feel that [name_f]Cassia[/name_f] and [name_f]Casandra[/name_f] are different they just feel different however I would speak to your friend privately and gage her reactions along with letting her know that you don’t want others to know her name

I don’t think it’s copying. They’re completely different names imo, [name_f]Cassia[/name_f] is Cash-ia and [name_f]Casandra[/name_f] is Cas-and-ra. There’s similarity but enough to differentiate the names. If it makes you feel better, then tell your friend, but you shouldn’t have to. It’s your child anyway.

It depends on the pronunciation to me - if you’d pronounce [name_f]Cassia[/name_f] as CASH-a I wouldn’t perceive it as being as close to [name_f]Casandra[/name_f], but if you pronounced it CASS-ee-a that starts to feel pretty similar IMO. There aren’t all that many names that start with the “Cass” sound - if you were talking about using [name_u]Maria[/name_u] and your BFF’s daughter was [name_f]Mariska[/name_f] or something the similarities would stand out a lot less.

To be honest I could see some people perceiving it as “copying” - a lot of people don’t see names’ nuances in as much detail as Nameberry enthusiasts do, so they might see “Cas-“ and think of [name_f]Casandra[/name_f] right away. However if you’re really considering using [name_f]Cassia[/name_f] I think you should talk to your friend about it and if she is truly fine with it, it shouldn’t matter what others think.

I would say it’s fine, as long as you ask!
For the record, I know of best friends [name_u]Holly[/name_u] & [name_u]Holly[/name_u] so I wouldn’t think it should get in the way of a friendship between the kids.

Yeah it depends on pronunciation. If you’re pronouncing [name_f]Cassia[/name_f] as Cash-uh than I would say there’s definitely not a problem. However if you’re pronouncing it cass-ee-uh I can see the similarity, which depending on your relationship, might warrant a conversation between you and your bff. Personally it wouldn’t bother me and I don’t think it’s that big of a deal, but other people it might bother.

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They’ll either become close someday and think it’s super cool, or they won’t be close and it won’t matter. Really no downsides here for little [name_f]Casandra[/name_f] and [name_f]Cassia[/name_f].

As for your friendship, like minds have like tastes! Your friend’s daughter isn’t the first [name_f]Casandra[/name_f], and won’t be the last. If I were her, I’d only find it a bit strange if my daughter’s name had personal or familial significance to me and a friend outright copied it without speaking to me first. [name_f]Cassia[/name_f] and [name_f]Casandra[/name_f] are different enough.

Honestly, I’d only talk to her ahead of time if you’re open to her saying that she doesn’t want you to use the name. Otherwise, you could put yourself in the sticky spot of knowingly going against her wishes if she asks you not to use it and you go ahead anyways. If you won’t change the name regardless of her reaction, you could decide to give her a heads up, but definitely phrase it in a way that makes it clear you’re not open to changing the name and just wanted to give her the heads up.

I do think the names are similar and would think it was a little odd for you to name your daughter such a similar name, especially if the kids will grow up seeing each other a lot. That said, I have a friend that named her daughter a VERY similar name to my daughter, and she didn’t give me the heads up. But this is a friend that I see maybe once a year and who lives a plane ride away. So it’s a different type of friendship than a BFF.