Top 3 Boys Names- Thoughts?

[name]Hi[/name], I’m expecting a baby in February and we have narrowed down our list to 3 boys and 3 girls names (don’t know what we’re having) So, I was wondering what everyone’s thoughts were on our choices. Combos aren’t set in stone, we would like to use an M middle name to honour family or [name]Andrew[/name] which is my husband’s middle name. So let me know what you think! What’s your favourite? are there any problems with any of them? [name]Do[/name] they sound good with my daughter’s name ([name]Ainslea[/name] pr. [name]Ainsley[/name])? Thanks for your input!

[name]Lyndon[/name] [name]Andrew[/name]
[name]Rowan[/name] or [name]Ronan[/name] [name]Milo[/name]
[name]Asher[/name] [name]Morgan[/name]

I really like [name]Asher[/name] as a name in general but my favorite on your list is [name]Lyndon[/name] [name]Andrew[/name]. I really like that name. Also, while I do like [name]Asher[/name], it may be a bit close to [name]Ainslea[/name] so it would depend on how you feel about matching sibsets. Good list overall, though!

My favourite combination is [name]Asher[/name] [name]Morgan[/name]. However, then you will be starting an A-theme. Definitely not a deal-breaker, but something to consider, especially if you’re planning on having more children!

Although I like [name]Rowan[/name], [name]Ronan[/name] and [name]Milo[/name], I feel that any combination of them is too O-heavy. Perhaps [name]Rowan[/name] [name]Andrew[/name]? [name]Ronan[/name] [name]Asher[/name]? [name]Rowan[/name] [name]Asher[/name]? [name]Lyndon[/name] [name]Milo[/name]? [name]Andrew[/name] [name]Milo[/name]?

I think that [name]Ainslea[/name] and [name]Asher[/name], or [name]Ainslea[/name] and [name]Ronan[/name] make wonderful sibsets!

Ahh, I love them all! I mentioned earlier I really liked [name]Ainslea[/name] and [name]Rowan[/name] for sisters, they pair up very nicely. I prefer [name]Rowan[/name] for a boy, but I’m not sure if people would assume [name]Rowan[/name] was a girl? [name]Even[/name] with [name]Ainslea[/name]'s name being spelled that way over [name]Ainsley[/name], they both have a unisex vibe, and that would be my only concern with [name]Rowan[/name]. I like that so much more than [name]Ronan[/name].

Either way, I really love [name]Lyndon[/name] and [name]Asher[/name] for a boy (much more than [name]Rowan[/name], although I love all your choices!). I like [name]Ainslea[/name] and [name]Lyndon[/name] more as siblings, but I love [name]Asher[/name], it’s in my top 4. I just like [name]Ainslea[/name] and [name]Lyndon[/name] paired together more, I think.

Good luck!

[name]Rowan[/name] is my favorite girls name…but I love [name]Ronan[/name] for a boy

I really really like [name]Rowan[/name] (on a girl or boy)! It has been one of my favorite names for a long time. It also goes really well with your daughter’s name. I don’t mind [name]Lyndon[/name], but I prefer it spelled [name]Lindon[/name]. The [name]LYN[/name] spelling seems to make it very feminine. [name]Asher[/name] is not my cup of tea.

When I see [name]Lyndon[/name] I think of US President [name]Lyndon[/name] [name]Johnson[/name] so I don’t really like that spelling. [name]Linden[/name] is a great alternative spelling and a nature name so it’s more unisex.

1 [name]Linden[/name] (spelled this way)
2 [name]Rowan[/name]
3 [name]Ronan[/name]

I really love [name]Lyndon[/name] [name]Andrew[/name] and I think it goes really well will [name]Ainslea[/name], without being too matchy matchy like [name]Asher[/name] would.
My name is [name]Rowan[/name], and I’m a girl and so I can’t really see it on a boy, and while I like [name]Ronan[/name], I love [name]Rowan[/name], but I’m biased. I’m not too sure about [name]Rowan[/name]/[name]Ronan[/name] with [name]Milo[/name] though, it does have a lot of ‘o’ though.
Also, I like [name]Asher[/name], and I think the nn [name]Ash[/name] is really cute but I’m a big fan of the show [name]Dexter[/name] and so I just think of Astor [name]Morgan[/name].

I don’t mind having an “A-theme” because I’m pretty sure that we are only having the 2 kids, so it shouldn’t be an issue. And even if a 3rd happens anyway (because sometimes these things happen…) I have lots and lots of A names that I love :slight_smile: and I also don’t mind breaking the theme (two A names and an R for example). I just don’t think it’s that big of a deal. And only planning on 2 anyway.

I see your point about the O heaviness of [name]Rowan[/name]/[name]Ronan[/name] and [name]Milo[/name]… do you have any other suggestions for M names that would work well with them? Husband doesn’t like [name]Rowan[/name] [name]Andrew[/name] because of repeated “an” at the end of [name]Rowan[/name] and beginning of [name]Andrew[/name] (same with [name]Ronan[/name] obv.) I don’t think it sounds weird, but he does so… ?

[name]Lyndon[/name] [name]Andrew[/name] - I think this goes well with [name]Ainslea[/name], [name]Lyndon[/name]'s a bit trendy for me but it’s a good match. [name]Andrew[/name]'s a solid middle.
[name]Rowan[/name] or [name]Ronan[/name] [name]Milo[/name] - I’d go with [name]Ronan[/name] as [name]Rowan[/name]'s unisex like [name]Ainslea[/name], which may cause confusion. Prefer [name]Miles[/name] to [name]Milo[/name] as it’s less nicknamey.
[name]Asher[/name] [name]Morgan[/name] - I like [name]Morgan[/name] on a boy, it’s handsome. [name]Asher[/name] and [name]Ainslea[/name] seem a bit matchy though.

I like [name]Asher[/name] [name]Morgan[/name] with [name]Rowan[/name] [name]Milo[/name] as a runner up.

That’s sort of our issue with the [name]Rowan[/name]/[name]Ronan[/name] thing too. I LIKE [name]Rowan[/name] more, but I wonder if it sounds like a girl when paired with [name]Ainslea[/name]. That’s why we are also considering [name]Ronan[/name] because it feels much more masculine.

Ahh… replies are coming faster than I can respond…

The [name]Lyndon[/name] [name]Lindon[/name] [name]Linden[/name] spelling thing: I really like the way [name]Linden[/name] looks as well, better than [name]Lyndon[/name], because I kind of hate Y’s (as you can see by my daughter’s name) but my understanding is that [name]Lyndon[/name] is the male spelling and [name]Linden[/name] is more feminine? Am I wrong about this? Again, especially because [name]Ainsley[/name] is on the unisex side, I want the boys name to feel definitely more masculine. And I’m not sure about the [name]Lindon[/name] spelling as a mix of both… my husband likes this one but it just looks wrong to me. Or is it a good compromise of no Y but more masculine?

[name]Asher[/name] gets my vote as well. Especially if you don’t mind the A theme. It would be on our list if it didn’t sound so bad with our last name.
[name]Ronan[/name] is my runner-up. Good luck!

I like [name]Ronan[/name] [name]Milo[/name] the best.

M names…
[name]Rowan[/name] [name]Michael[/name]
[name]Rowan[/name] [name]Marshall[/name]
[name]Rowan[/name] [name]Maverick[/name]
[name]Rowan[/name] [name]Matthew[/name]
[name]Rowan[/name] [name]Miles[/name] (I like this a lot, and it’s very similar to [name]Milo[/name]!)
[name]Rowan[/name] [name]Miller[/name]
[name]Rowan[/name] [name]Micah[/name]

I really love [name]Rowan[/name] (or [name]Ronan[/name]…it’s a fabulous name too!) for a boy, and especially for a brother for a girl named [name]Ainslea[/name]. Such a great combination!

I love [name]Asher[/name] [name]Morgan[/name]!!!

I like the first name [name]Ronan[/name] and [name]Rowan[/name]. I would prefer using [name]Ronan[/name] on a boy but I don’t like it paired with [name]Milo[/name]. I think [name]Ronan[/name] [name]Miles[/name] sounds better than [name]Ronan[/name] [name]Milo[/name] but that is just my opinion. If I was picking between [name]Asher[/name] [name]Morgan[/name] and [name]Ronan[/name] [name]Miles[/name] I might go with [name]Ronan[/name] [name]Miles[/name] but I like the name [name]Ronan[/name].

[name]Lyndon[/name] [name]Andrew[/name] is nice too.

[name]Asher[/name] [name]Morgan[/name] gets my name. Such a sturdy, masculine name. I also love biblical names (I have a [name]Samuel[/name]). I think [name]Ainslea[/name] and [name]Asher[/name] sound like sibilings.

I hope this helps,

I love [name]Lyndon[/name] and [name]Asher[/name], I would go with [name]Lyndon[/name] though. Great sounding name!