Top 4 Boy Names

We have 4 top names in mind for our future baby boy if we ever have a boy. Help us pick the best one. :ok_hand:t4:

Siblings are:

Salina Ann N. (Stepdaughter)
Justin Jakob M. (My Son)
Marissa Marie N. (Stepdaughter)

  • Bryson Malakai Novelo nn Bryce/Bry/Sonny
  • Caspian Julius Novelo nn Cas/CJ
  • Dawson Jasper Novelo nn DJ
  • Deacon Asher Novelo nn Deke
0 voters

I like [name_m]Bryson[/name_m] with the sibling names!

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I feel like [name_u]Dawson[/name_u] goes well and is a charming name! I like it a lot!

However, I think it depends what you want - [name_m]Caspian[/name_m] works (and is lovely) and would allow you to go in a slightly different direction with names if you had any further children - [name_u]Dawson[/name_u] feels more cohesive with your set right now

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Great combos!

I think [name_m]Deacon[/name_m] nn [name_m]Deke[/name_m] is really cool! I haven’t heard that one before.

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