I’ve been watching a decent amount of English soap operas with my mum again lately and collecting names from a few of them. One show features a character named Toyah. The character’s been on the show since I was a little kid, so it feels pretty familiar to me, but I know it’s rather unique outside the cobbles of Coronation [name_m]Street[/name_m]. When I googled the name, a singer from the UK came up, who I’m a bit familiar with, but those seem to be the only two famous instances of the name.
Personally, I simply adore the sound. It has something that [name_f]Taya[/name_f] and [name_u]Tora[/name_u] and [name_f]Tova[/name_f] don’t for me, and I quite like the “h” at the end, as I feel it balances it out a bit? However I’m a little concerned that it might be too “out there”.
What do you think? Is Toyah too unusual to work or is it wearable? For a combo, I’m thinking maybe Toyah [name_f]Louise[/name_f] or Toyah [name_f]Grace[/name_f], to balance out the uniqueness of Toyah (surname is pretty common, two syllables, starts with D).
I feel like I’ve hear Toyah before. It’s okay, but it does strike me as more out there than some of your choices. Then again, it also fits in with [name_f]Yasmin[/name_f], [name_f]Demi[/name_f] and [name_f]Robyn[/name_f].
[name_f]Rona[/name_f] and Roya are similar names I’ve heard
I think Toyah is nice - it has a great, upbeat sound to it. Toyah [name_f]Grace[/name_f] is a nice combo.
[The first thing that comes to mind for me is the (unsolved) murder of young Toyah Cordingley in Cairns, Australia last year…a horrible association, but a nice name.]
Thank you! I had no idea about the unsolved murder case (which is a bit surprising as I tend to be very interested in cases like that), but it’s definitely something to bear in mind.
I really like the sound, but the spelling looks kind of awkward to me. It’s definitely usable though!
I’m personally a fan of nicknames, so since Toyah doesn’t really have any I’d pick a J middle to give her the option of going by TJ.
Toyah is a perfectly regular name to me. I hear it often as a nickname for [name_f]Latoya[/name_f] but I thinks it’s fine on its own.
[name_f]Toya[/name_f] [name_f]Grace[/name_f] is very pretty.
Lol, I guessed it was from [name_u]Corrie[/name_u] from reading the “soap opera” part in your question before I read it actually had! It isn’t unique outside of [name_u]Corrie[/name_u], I don’t think (well not in the UK), it’s just one of those names that was used in the 80s here and hasn’t been used much since. It doesn’t help that the accent can make it sound silly depending on your location in the UK. But I don’t think it’s dated at all, I am familiar with it but it wasn’t ever overused.
It reminds me of names like [name_f]Tara[/name_f] and [name_f]Moira[/name_f], and out of your combos, I like Toyah [name_f]Grace[/name_f].