I really love the name Lync, but my Fiance isn’t into it as much.
So I tried [name]Lyncoln[/name] which we both like. And so far its half and half about whether we should use the traditional [name]Lincoln[/name] or stick with [name]Lyncoln[/name]. I like [name]Lyncoln[/name] because it’s different. And there an unlikely chance that someone will have the same exact name. My name is [name]Taren[/name], and i’ve only ever met Taryns. I like that i seem to have the only name spelt en.
Some people say that I am butchering the name, but i think it puts a modern twist on it.
Sorry but [name]Lyncoln[/name] looks like a “yooneek” spelling a parent would use for a girl. President [name]Lincoln[/name] is a great namesake so I wouldn’t change the spelling. I don’t understand the obsession with adding y’s where they don’t belong. I think it would just cause headaches with correcting people in the future if you changed the spelling.
“[name]Don[/name]'t try to be modern, it’s the most old-fashioned thing there is,” - [name]Attilio[/name], The [name]Tiger[/name] and the [name]Snow[/name]
And boy does it apply here. I know you like Lync, but [name]Lyncoln[/name] just looks bad and quite dated. It’s not a new thing to change an “i” to a “y”. Parents have been doing that for years and that trend had its heyday like 10 or 20 years ago.
Spelling it traditionally makes life SO much easier for your child. [name]Lyncoln[/name] is going to go through his entire life with people spelling it [name]Lincoln[/name], like it’s supposed to be.
Usually I’m lenient with re-spelling names, but [name]Lincoln[/name] is a nice name - it doesn’t need to be [name]Lyncoln[/name]. [name]Lyncoln[/name] is unusual compared to [name]Lincoln[/name], but not compared to hundreds and hundreds of other names where people have changed the I to a Y, it’s becoming so predictable. It’s kind of funny how people try to make a name unique in the exact same way. So in that respect, [name]Lyncoln[/name] is really not different.
I would say just go with [name]Lincoln[/name] - it’s a fantastic name, with a fine spelling. No need to tamper with it.
I agree. [name]Lincoln[/name]! I personally don’t think nicknames have to be spelled with EXACTLY the same letters as the full name. I say name him [name]Lincoln[/name], nickname [name]Link[/name].
I agree that I would think [name]Lyncoln[/name] is a girl. Think about this: whether it’s [name]Britney[/name], [name]Brittney[/name], [name]Brittany[/name], or Brittneigh… it’s still the same name. Poor Brittneigh though… I feel bad for her.
My friend named her son [name]Gavyn[/name]. I feel bad for him too just like I would a Brittneigh. I wouldn’t want to be a Brittneigh or a [name]Gavyn[/name] or a [name]Lyncoln[/name].
The vote for “[name]Lincoln[/name]” is definitely unanimous!!! It has been said that boys suffer more than girls when their ‘i’ names are tampered with 'y’s. I must agree, [name]Linc[/name] is pretty cool.