[name_m]Hi[/name_m] MummaBerries and Berries-To-Be!
We are TTC in the next few months, and I was just wondering if anyone has found a particular pregnancy app that they really like or that has been highly recommended to you them (if you are in the “to be” category).
I already have a fertility app (Kindara), so I don’t need it to do that side of things. [name_m]Just[/name_m] baby related things.
So I am in no way qualified to answer your question as someone who has never been pregnant but I have seen a few adverts for the Ovia range of apps (they have one for fertility, one for pregnancy and one for parenting). Obviously I haven’t tried any of them so I can’t say if they’re good! But maybe the pregnancy one is something like what you were looking for?
@floatinthesky I saw the Ovia pregnancy app in an article I was reading and it was rated quite highly out of the ones they listed. I think it’ll definitely be one to look into.
I can recommend the Ovia Pregnancy app. I used it when I was pregnant with [name_m]Barnabas[/name_m] and I’m using it again this time. It has all kinds of handy features. You also get an update of baby’s size every week and you can chose a theme for it, like fruit & veg or even Parisian Bakery. I use the “weird but cute animals” theme, it’s adorable. This week, for example, my baby is the size of a [name_f]Denise[/name_f]'s pygmy sea horse
I loved sprout pregnancy. I’m a very visual person and it had moving highly detailed pictures of what you’re baby probably looks like as well as information about what they’re probably doing/growing/developing at that stage (plus comparisons fruit/vegetable comparisons, contraction timer and a bunch of other handy tools)
I use pregnancy+. [name_f]Every[/name_f] week it gives you an update on your baby with a paragraph or two of information and a 3d picture of what your baby probably looks like you can rotate. It also gives you monthly updates, tells you your baby’s size in fruits/vegetables, sweets or pets (you can choose). It also has baby name lists and baby scams. There is also information about you, and some dayly articles about pregnancy. Definitely recommend because of all it’s features, I didn’t even list all of them (oh I forgot weight tracking).