Triplet Birth Announcements?

[name_m]Just[/name_m] earlier today I was scrolling about through the Birth Announcements forum and I noticed there were 3 (yes, THREE) posts about the arrival of triplets all on the first page! I’m quite suspicious as triplets are not very common at all. I looked at all of the three posts and there were no facts like birth weight or anything that could be used to prove the users were trolls (if they were) and it was just their names they announced. I hope they were not trolls infesting this beautiful site… but I am pretty sure that’s what happened.

[name_m]How[/name_m] do the other Berries feel about abundant multiples on the birth announcements page?

At least one of the triplet threads was really old-- I think someone must have scrolled through several pages of the birth announcements forum and only commented on the triplet ones, so they all appeared on page 1.

I would be one of those three. My post is 15 months old or so. My mums friend [name_f]Sandra[/name_f], did have triplets after years of trying for children. I have been a member on Nameberry for quite a while. I feel I have contributed to lots of discussions. Not once have I been called a “troll”, I find this very hurtful. About the whole weight, I wasn’t so sure about what baby weighed what, I didnt want to trouble her and ask her as she was in and out of hospital visiting them.

@ geeknamezyo that’s what I think.

I agree with geeknamezyo. All three of those posts were old. [name_f]One[/name_f] was from 2011 and two were from 2012. While there certainly are trolls who post, in this situation, it seems to have been a case where someone commented on a bunch of triplet posts.

I noticed the same thing. I feel very suspicious…

@blessedmommajennie if you read my comment you would under stand mine. I can’t speak for the other two. I would be more concerned if they are at the same time but they are not…

Yes, and that was the OP of this thread :wink:

Yeah Oboe, you’re the one who commented on triplet threads several years old. . . why?

This is really bewildering. I haven’t been on here for long but, I understand these are old threads as Misschelseabeth said.

Yeah, what gives, oboeplayer? Those threads wouldn’t have been on the first page when you commented on them.

I thought it was really odd too but then realised that they were all old posts. What’s weirder than the triplet posts is that you were the one commenting on them. Strange, really…

Oops. That was me! I guess I was really stupid to post about something I did. I do that because I try to catch trolls but it doesn’t always work successfully :(. Sorry I was so ignorant! [name_f]Hope[/name_f] the Berries can forgive me… And to reopen the starting topic, what do you guys think about triplet posts?

(Oh yeah and I did say in the original post that I looked in all of them!)

Well, triplet posts are always suspicious simply because triplets are fairly rare and there seems to be a lot more than there should be on Nameberry. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt - just because they’ve had triplets doesn’t mean they’re trolls - but it depends on how realistic their story is. There was a recent thread announcing the birth of triplets, which included some ridiculous details, such as they were born on different days and two were identical and one was not (I know that happens, but, in this case, the non-identical triplet was born in between the identical ones, which is pretty much impossible). So, in that case, I figured it’s definitely a troll. But my cousins are triplets and I know there’s plenty out there, so benefit of the doubt should probably be given! Oh, a tell tale sign of a troll is someone who joins Nameberry simply to post about the birth of their triplets. It’s a bit more believable if they’ve been on Nameberry seeking naming advice for a while before they announce their children’s births. Also, I don’t think any of the threads you commented on are trolls. They might be, but their stories seemed believable enough.