Troubleshooting my list :)

Hello! I am due in [name]July[/name] with son #2. Our first son is named [name]John[/name] [name]Christopher[/name], and our last name is [name]Will[/name]. [name]John[/name] was chosen as a family name but it has turned out to be uncommon, as we have never met a little [name]John[/name] here around his age.

I feel very limited with our last name, as I don’t want a first name that is a common last name (causing me to eliminate [name]Ryan[/name], [name]Aaron[/name] and [name]Elliott[/name]), and I don’t want a name or nickname that ends in K/C/X/S because it makes our last name sound like [name]Quill[/name] or Swill (causing me to eliminate [name]Michael[/name]/[name]Mike[/name], [name]Alexander[/name]/[name]Alex[/name], [name]Lucas[/name], [name]Luke[/name], etc.) I also feel that two-syllable names sound better, but I really do like being able to use a nickname as well, but it’s hard to get both. Also trying to avoid J and W names.

Here’s my list in no particular order, with our last name and my thoughts.

[name]Brian[/name] [name]Will[/name] - I like it because it’s similar to [name]Ryan[/name], but not a last name.
[name]Nathan[/name] [name]Will[/name] - a little popular around here but not too bad.
[name]Adam[/name] [name]Will[/name] - I like it, but my husband thinks it indicates Jewish, which we aren’t. I say it doesn’t sound more Jewish than [name]Isaac[/name], [name]Ben[/name], [name]Aaron[/name], [name]Jacob[/name], or [name]Eli[/name].
[name]Robert[/name] [name]Will[/name] (nn [name]Robbie[/name]/[name]Rob[/name]) - I think [name]Rob[/name] [name]Will[/name] is among the better one-syllable nicknames with our last name, but my sister’s name is [name]Robyn[/name], I call her [name]Robbie[/name] sometimes, and I am worried it will be confusing.
[name]Timothy[/name] [name]Will[/name] (nn [name]Timmy[/name]/[name]Tim[/name]) - I like this one too, but does it sound bad to have the double short i - tIm wIll?
[name]Matthew[/name] [name]Will[/name] (nn [name]Matt[/name]) - Not sure about the double W, or whether [name]Matt[/name] is a shorter, choppy-sounding nickname that doesn’t sound good with our last name.
[name]Daniel[/name] [name]Will[/name] (nn [name]Danny[/name]/[name]Dan[/name]) - I also like this one, but [name]Daniel[/name] is #2 in my state and I just don’t feel comfortable with that.
[name]Benjamin[/name] [name]Will[/name] - Also very popular around here, with 4 in his daycare.
[name]Kenneth[/name] [name]Will[/name] - Mostly on the list because it is a nickname that is similar to [name]Dan[/name] and [name]Ben[/name]
[name]Colin[/name] [name]Will[/name] - [name]Just[/name] OK for me.

I need to be sure I like all of these names and have foreseen any potential problems before I sit down with my husband. He thinks I’m overthinking (which I am) and I just know he’ll latch onto a name and that will be it!

So, what do you think of my names? MNs can wait. :slight_smile:

[name]Brian[/name] [name]Will[/name] - I like this name. It’s a nice, solid name, not super popular.
[name]Nathan[/name] [name]Will[/name] - [name]Love[/name] it!
[name]Adam[/name] [name]Will[/name] - I don’t see how any of those names indicate being Jewish. I really like the name [name]Adam[/name]. I’d consider it if I didn’t know so many my age!
[name]Robert[/name] [name]Will[/name] (nn [name]Robbie[/name]/[name]Rob[/name]) - Hmm… Not a huge fan. Also with calling your sister [name]Robbie[/name], I agree it might get confusing.
[name]Timothy[/name] [name]Will[/name] (nn [name]Timmy[/name]/[name]Tim[/name]) - I like it!
[name]Matthew[/name] [name]Will[/name] (nn [name]Matt[/name]) - It’s nice, not a favorite though.
[name]Daniel[/name] [name]Will[/name] (nn [name]Danny[/name]/[name]Dan[/name]) - I really like this name!
[name]Benjamin[/name] [name]Will[/name] - Really love this name! What about [name]Bennett[/name] as a less popular alternative?
[name]Kenneth[/name] [name]Will[/name] - Ehh… not a fan.
[name]Colin[/name] [name]Will[/name] - I really like this name but I prefer the [name]Collin[/name] or [name]Collen[/name] spellings.

[name]Brian[/name] [name]Will[/name] - This one is sooo dated for me. I know maybe 15+ [name]Brian[/name]'s / [name]Bryan[/name]'s
[name]Nathan[/name] [name]Will[/name] - [name]Love[/name] this one. Good sound and it flows very well with your last name. [name]Nate[/name]
[name]Adam[/name] [name]Will[/name] - [name]Adam[/name] is a mainstream name. It no more indicates any religious affiliation than naming your child [name]Violet[/name] indicates a career as a botanist. If that’s the case though, [name]Benjamin[/name] and [name]Daniel[/name] both need to come off the list, as those are Jewish names as well.
[name]Robert[/name] [name]Will[/name] (nn [name]Robbie[/name]/[name]Rob[/name]) - [name]Don[/name]'t like this one. Sounds odd, and like [name]Brian[/name], it’s very dated for me.
[name]Timothy[/name] [name]Will[/name] (nn [name]Timmy[/name]/[name]Tim[/name]) - Like it, but the “i” sounds makes it a little awkward.
[name]Matthew[/name] [name]Will[/name] (nn [name]Matt[/name]) - Nice. Classic.
[name]Daniel[/name] [name]Will[/name] (nn [name]Danny[/name]/[name]Dan[/name]) - This is a great one. I know a lot of boys named [name]Dan[/name], but it never gets repetitive.
[name]Benjamin[/name] [name]Will[/name] - [name]One[/name] of my favorite names! [name]Love[/name] this.
[name]Kenneth[/name] [name]Will[/name] -Eh. Not a fan. [name]Kenneth[/name] is old-man to me.
[name]Colin[/name] [name]Will[/name] - Really like this one. It’s got a little flair to it that others don’t have. Simple but very classy.

You’re not over-thinking it - you have very valid concerns. However, be careful to know when to stop over-thinking it. Like choosing a husband - decide on the one you want and then STOP LOOKING. :slight_smile:

I personally like [name]Adam[/name] [name]Will[/name] the best- but that could be because I have affinity to the names (my fiances name is [name]Adam[/name] and his brother is [name]Will[/name]).

Aside from that I like [name]Daniel[/name] [name]Will[/name] next best. The others I find a bit blah to be honest. I think that [name]John[/name] and [name]Adam[/name] or [name]John[/name] and [name]Daniel[/name] make the best sibsets

I’ve bolded the ones I particularly like.

[name]Brian[/name] [name]Will[/name] - Flows nicely
[name]Nathan[/name] [name]Will[/name] - Not as good as [name]Brian[/name] for me, plus [name]Nate[/name] [name]Will[/name] sounds odd
[name]Adam[/name] [name]Will[/name] - Doesn’t indicate Jewish at all - many religions site [name]Adam[/name] - also sounding fresher with [name]Adam[/name] Sandler. I think it’s an underused classic
[name]Robert[/name] [name]Will[/name] (nn [name]Robbie[/name]/[name]Rob[/name]) - [name]Rob[/name] [name]Will[/name] almost sounds like “will rob,” and judging by your sister’s name, I say it’s out
[name]Timothy[/name] [name]Will[/name] (nn [name]Timmy[/name]/[name]Tim[/name]) - I rather like this. Perhaps sticking with [name]Timothy[/name] or [name]Timmy[/name]? I agree that the short i is odd.
[name]Matthew[/name] [name]Will[/name] (nn [name]Matt[/name]) - Yeah, [name]Matthew[/name] does kind of collide will [name]Will[/name]. [name]Matt[/name] [name]Will[/name] sounds like [name]Matthew[/name] or [name]Maxwell[/name] with a twist: Mattwill
[name]Daniel[/name] [name]Will[/name] (nn [name]Danny[/name]/[name]Dan[/name]) - [name]Don[/name]'t like how [name]Daniel[/name] rhymes with [name]Will[/name]
[name]Benjamin[/name] [name]Will[/name] - This sounds like a keeper, though [name]Ben[/name] [name]Will[/name] isn’t the best nn.
[name]Kenneth[/name] [name]Will[/name] - Doesn’t sound as good with [name]Will[/name] as some of your others
[name]Colin[/name] [name]Will[/name] - the two short i’s by each other are a bit hard to say

[name]Brian[/name] [name]Will[/name] - not bad, but brian seems a little dated to me - and not classic like your first sons name
[name]Nathan[/name] [name]Will[/name] - not bad
[name]Adam[/name] [name]Will[/name] - I like this one
[name]Robert[/name] [name]Will[/name] (nn [name]Robbie[/name]/[name]Rob[/name]) - i like, but maybe not with your sister being called robbie?
[name]Timothy[/name] [name]Will[/name] (nn [name]Timmy[/name]/[name]Tim[/name]) - I dont think this sounds bad.
[name]Matthew[/name] [name]Will[/name] (nn [name]Matt[/name]) - i like this one
[name]Daniel[/name] [name]Will[/name] (nn [name]Danny[/name]/[name]Dan[/name]) - I also like this one, think it goes well with your first sons name
[name]Benjamin[/name] [name]Will[/name] - I like this one, but yeah [name]Ben[/name] is too popular if that concerns you
[name]Kenneth[/name] [name]Will[/name] -not really a fan, especially with the ken nickname. ken will sounds like can and will haha
[name]Colin[/name] [name]Will[/name] - I personally just dont like the name [name]Colin[/name] because i immediately think of colon. but that might just be me :slight_smile:

i like [name]Matthew[/name] and [name]Daniel[/name] the best out of your list! good luck!

[name]Adam[/name] [name]Will[/name] is my favourite. The others aren’t really my style. What about [name]Nathaniel[/name] [name]Will[/name] nn [name]Nate[/name]? Other ideas:

[name]Harvey[/name] [name]Will[/name]
[name]Liam[/name] [name]Will[/name]
[name]Oscar[/name] [name]Will[/name]
[name]Oliver[/name] [name]Will[/name]
[name]Sebastian[/name] [name]Will[/name]
[name]Zander[/name] [name]Will[/name]
[name]Julian[/name] [name]Will[/name]
[name]Arlo[/name] [name]Will[/name]
[name]Odin[/name] [name]Will[/name]