Truth or dare (NAMEBERRY STYLE)

[name_u]Truth[/name_u] means:

The last poster will ask a question about your names that you have to answer

Dare means:

The last poster will dare you to do something like add a name you hate to your user card, or you can only type names beggining with a for the next day! It will alternate truth, dare, truth, dare, and we are starting with truth so the next must be a dare

Okay for the next person this is the TRUTH:

What’s a guilty pleasure middle name for u?


For boys, Ivanovich because that is my hero’s middle name. For girls, [name_f]Sharleen[/name_f] because that is the first name of one of my other heroes.

DARE: Go to any game that makes you drop/lose/eliminate names and take out your fave name from the list. [name_m]Link[/name_m] the game so I know you did it.

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I dropped Amos from Heaven in Heaven/Hell/Purgatory:

TRUTH: What naming idea did you have that you regret now?

I went through a phase of cutesy first names with really long middles and I ended up with some nice combos like [name_f]Lola[/name_f] [name_f]Bernadette[/name_f] but then there was [name_f]Annie[/name_f] [name_f]Anastatia[/name_f] and [name_u]Indie[/name_u] [name_f]Imogen[/name_f] [name_f]Cassiopeia[/name_f]. Ugh. [name_m]Just[/name_m], no.

DARE: Click on any CAF and choose all your least favourite names.



TRUTH: Who is one person you know who you think is a great person, but dislike their name?

I know a [name_f]Betty[/name_f], and they are so nice. But there name is, emmmmmmm intresting.

DARE: Comment something a little bit unrelated on a post (Also you can say it was a dare)

Middles for [name_f]Margaret[/name_f]? Help me plz!

Nicknames for [name_f]Margaret[/name_f]: [name_f]Peggy[/name_f], [name_f]Maggie[/name_f], Meg.)


LOL that was fun

Truth: What unisex name do you think should NEVER have been unisex?

[name_u]Dylan[/name_u]. I’m sorry. I just… no. Its a boys name. I just- Can’t explain how ANGRY it makes me.

Dare: Go on a game and start playing it really wrong, and do this until someone points this out to you. So keep replying!

(Why do I NEVER get the dares :slight_smile: )

They corrected me the first time, such a sweet user, I feel bad lol

Also hi @lemon_swirlxx if you’re seeing this!

TRUTH: What would be a dealbreaker on potentionally using a name?


People I know named that, I don’t really mind about meanings, but if it has some sort of personal, bad connection I can’t live with that.

DARE: Go on to any thread and reply in a foreighn language, using google translate, preferably make it a thread where you have to share your opinions on names (E.g thoughts on Zeus), not a CAF or a GAME.

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Kyrgyz because Kyrgyzstan is the best name for a country of all time. I decided to translate it back to English to see how off it is. :kyrgyzstan:

Original text: Raphael is such a great name and reminds me of the Renaissance Raphael without looking too dated. Flynn, Kit, and Elias are lovely middle names. I like Elias best but they are all very beautiful. Best of luck to you and your family.

Kyrgyz translation: Рафаэль абдан сонун ысым жана өтө эскирген көрүнбөй эле кайра жаралуу Рафаэлин эске салат. Флинн, Кит жана Элиас жакшынакай орто ысымдар. Мага Элиасты эң жакшы көрөм, бирок баары абдан сулуу. Сизге жана сиздин үй-бүлөңүзгө ийгилик.

Translated back to English cuz why not: Raphael is a very beautiful name and very reminiscent of Raphael reviving without looking very old. Flynn, Keith and Elias are pretty middle names. I love Elijah the most, but everything is beautiful. Good luck to you and your family.

Truth: Do you ever feel bad when you take out names on games where you have to take out names? (Bonus dare for the gutsy: Next time you drop a name on a name dropping/eliminating/losing game, profusely apologise and make an overly dramatic apology for dropping said names. Add a bunch of sad face emojis too. This is an optional bonus dare, you don’t have to do it and the next person below me still writes a dare and not a truth since it’s just a bonus.)


I sometimes feel a little bad, but mostly, no offence, but the names are a little… strange and not to my taste so when I have to drop a name I don’t like, no remorse, sorry!

I did the bonus dare: drop 2 add 1 girls names! - #685 by lemon_swirlxx

Dare: Comment on anbodys post saying that you LOVE their names and that that they INSPIRE you

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So true, thanks for doing the bonus dare too aha!

I found a new role model today. I want to bow down to them.

Truth: What is a name that looks normal or familiar enough but you’d always associate negatively, even if it’s not considered a negative-connotation name to most people?

Theodore. It gets a lot of love but to me it’ll always be Ted Bundy/serial killer. I watch a lot of true crime documentaries, lol.

DARE: pick your favourite decade/era of names and choose 10 names - make a poll of them and see which one wins out :slight_smile: Has to be names of a certain decade/era though - not a specific style (ie; 1970s names, not “bohemian” or “dainty”).

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Truth: What is a name that you think looks pretty, but prounounciation errors ruin it for you?

[name_f]Mireille[/name_f] comes to mind immediately but even names with multiple pronunciations like [name_u]Andrea[/name_u] and [name_f]Cara[/name_f].

Dare: Go to a dropping/adding game or any game with a list (Preferably one that’s almost over so it doesn’t have too many names) and misspell every name on the list.

THIS was Soooo funny.

Truth: A name you can’t bring yourself to hate, but don’t exactly like.

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[name_u]Bryce[/name_u] for a girl. I think it’s totally masculine but it’s my sister’s middle name. :yum:

Go to any thread discussing a name you like and vehemently swear you do not like this name all while giving reasons why you do. Then say again that you definitely do not like the name.

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I actually love this name sm!

Truth: Has any of your friends (IRL or ONLINE) ever liked a name, that you don’t, but you didn’t want to offend them. If so, which name?

Bonus dare: Send someone a joke on DM, it has to be the person that pops up on your latest feed

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One of my best friends liked the name Raelynn, I personally hate that name (no offense to anyone) She likes more simple options now (Rose, Violet, Luna).

Truth: What name got completely ruined by bad associations for you?

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