So we are almost settled on the name for our new baby girl. I still have time though, halfway through my pregnancy. I wanted to get idea’s about how to try out this new name before making it official? [name]Just[/name] to be 100% sure and so that their are no surprises. Also not sure how most people
[name]Will[/name] pronounce and spell the name.
What is the Starbucks test I’ve been hearing about?
Was also going to tell the name to people
That ask what are we naming her. And not keep it a secret. I want to see their reactions. Also maybe going someplace relatively far from home ( like a restaurant or something?) and using the name for
Myself under a reservation. I don’t know. [name]Just[/name] some ideas.
I’m so guilty of this. I book cabs, order coffees, place orders for food etc, under different names. It’s just a bit of fun for me really, but I did find that [name]Wilhelmina[/name] said over the phone was not a cool idea.
Are you seriously going to be happy using the name if you tell friends and family and they give a negative response? I’ve found people are much more pleasant when finding out the name after birth. A completely individual choice, just something to consider.
Yeah that’s something I worry about too. Good point. I think I’ll try the name
At restaurants or when ordering something? And I told my
Immediate family…but unsure what to do with friends. Some of them
Might not like the name because it isn’t popular and is old fashioned. I’ll have to see. A lot of my friends are pregnant so if they tell me I’ll tell them! ;). And my very close friends I will tell if they ask. But the others I’m
Not sure. I’m in a mom’s group sooo if I tell
[name]One[/name] they will all know. I’ll try and skirt around the subject with them. Haha
When you go to Starbucks and make your order (it’d have to be a beverage I believe), they ask for your name and write it on the container. So instead of using your actual name, use the name you’re considering for your child.
I’ve done it with [name]Aria[/name], and [name]Ava[/name]. And I realised how short [name]Ava[/name] seemed coming from me, and how easy it was to say [name]Aria[/name].
You can do the reservation thing too, or with ordering pizza. I’ve also tested out [name]Ava[/name] with the pizza order, and yeah same thing, very short feeling.
Also, when calling a cab you can use any name under the sun!
Thanks east93! - I’m going to do just that. I
Didn’t realize that they put your name on a cup at Starbucks. And thank you
For the other great idea’s too. I’m going to try them :).
My fiance and I do the Starbucks test just when we’re bored. He’s been several things, from [name]Thor[/name] to [name]Virgil[/name] to [name]Dante[/name]. I’ve been [name]Eden[/name] and a few others. The most memorable names were [name]Martin[/name] being [name]Virgil[/name] and our friend T’[name]Chanie[/name] being [name]Felix[/name]. It definitely helps you pick a name.
I always order under another name, whenever I go to Starbucks it seems like every other stay at home mom named [name]Jennifer[/name] is there too! Lol!
[name]Love[/name] your daughters name, mine too. Can you tell us the name you are considering?
Thanks girls! Definitely planning on doing the Starbucks test plus whatever other opportunities I get too. I think it will help a lot. Jemama - absolutely your DD’s name too!!
Oh and the name we are considering for this little
Girl is…
We told anyone who asked what DS’ name was going to be (and even before we knew he was a boy, we told people our top choice for a girl). Originally, it was my DH’s choice and I wasn’t convinced we should use it, but sharing it and hearing friend’s & colleagues’ responses helped me love his name. I’m glad we did in retrospect, because, since the responses were mostly favourable, it cemented the idea of using that name.
Thanks girls! And I will definitely update and let you all know how it goes. There is one more name that I would like to try this with and it’s [name]Felicity[/name] (my number two choice). I think it wil help with the final decision