Trying to make a final decision

See the results of this poll: Best First Name for Baby L?

Respondents: 16 (This poll is closed)

  • Eli: 6 (38%)
  • Leo: 3 (19%)
  • Ian: 4 (25%)
  • Charles (Charlie): 3 (19%)
  • George: 0 (0%)

I voted [name]Eli[/name], but I would probably use it as a nn.



If your last name starts with L, then I vote for [name]Ian[/name], though those are all great choices.

Good luck!

I like [name]Leo[/name] the best as a name, but do not think the [name]Leo[/name] [name]Joseph[/name] combination flows well with the double long O sounds near each other (–o [name]Jo[/name]-). In the combination of [name]George[/name] [name]Joseph[/name], the names seem to compete rather than complement each other. [name]Charles[/name] is quite all right. Deciding between [name]Eli[/name] and [name]Ian[/name] was tough, but I voted for [name]Ian[/name].

I would love to have a son called [name]Charlie[/name]