Ttc #3

Firstly, a bit of a rant - I just found out a close cousin is expecting her first in [name]June[/name]. Whilst I am incredibly happy for her, I can feel the anxiety creeping in that she is going to pick one of “my names”! She hasn’t found out what she is having, but I have a feeling that it is going to be a girl, and I know she has great taste in names! I’m not even pregnant yet, what a totally ridiculous stress to have! Has anyone else gone through this???


With some (reluctant) input from my partner, I have started to try compiling a list of girls names - this is what I have so far:

[name]Adelaide[/name] - I love this name, but do worry about it being a capital city name over here.

[name]Beatrix[/name] - Not sure about repeating the ‘x’ - partner doesn’t like [name]Beatrice[/name] because of an association with someone from high school.

[name]Dulcie[/name] - We don’t like any of its longer forms. [name]Do[/name] you think it will age well on its own?

[name]Lila[/name] - [name]Love[/name] this, but worry it is too common.

[name]Pearl[/name] - So pretty, but feels like it might be lacking something.

I’d love some HONEST opinions - blunt as you like! More suggestions would be great too with this list as a guide, as well as my sons’ names in my signature. Middle name will honour family (yet to be decided who)

[name]Adelaide[/name] - I like it! Since its a Capitol, here are some other names you might consider instead:

  • [name]Adeline[/name]
  • [name]Adalyn[/name]
  • [name]Adele[/name]

[name]Beatrix[/name] - its ok, its growing on me though

[name]Dulcie[/name] - I do not like this at all. I dont think it will age well.

[name]Lila[/name] - its pretty

[name]Pearl[/name] - I dont like it, plus its getting popular


[name]Beatrix[/name] [name]Beatrix[/name] [name]Beatrix[/name] a million times [name]Beatrix[/name]! Repeat the X! [name]Beatrix[/name] is powerful, yet sweet and graceful, has a wonderful meaning, belonged to a saint AND [name]Beatrix[/name] [name]Potter[/name] which will be fun when you sit her down to read [name]Peter[/name] Rabbit, and it gives you the strong, simple, rather [name]Zen[/name] nickname [name]Bea[/name]/Be/[name]Bee[/name].
[name]Lila[/name] feels insubstantial to me. [name]Dulcie[/name] is very friendly and a pleasant combination of sounds, but not as substantial as [name]Beatrix[/name]. [name]Pearl[/name] has its merits, but it’s NMS. [name]Just[/name] too “good-girl” [name]IMO[/name]. [name]Adelaide[/name] would be my second pick, because it’s an old, strong, interesting name. I personally am not wild about it because it makes me think of “addled” and “Adderol.”
[name]Beatrix[/name]! [name]Lay[/name] claim to it before your cousin snatches it up!

[name]Adelaide[/name] - I wouldn’t be bothered by it being the capital… as suggested if it bothers you, there are tons of other [name]Ad[/name]- names!

[name]Beatrix[/name] - I love [name]Beatrix[/name], it is so sweet and sassy, but I’m sorry to say, I really don’t like it your sons’ names - wayyy too much “x” going on there. I get tongue-tied saying [name]Max[/name], [name]Felix[/name], and [name]Beatrix[/name]!

[name]Dulcie[/name] - I don’t find anything attractive about this name. :confused: If it’s pronounced ‘dull-see’ it just sounds… dull.

[name]Lila[/name] - I like it, and it would sound super cute with your other kids’ names!

[name]Pearl[/name] - Pretty yes, but get the same ‘lacking’ feeling as well.

I have a [name]Beatrix[/name], and the other names on my list are/were…

[name]Daphne[/name] (maybe instead of [name]Dulcie[/name]?)
[name]Adelaide[/name] (although any nicknames might be too close to my niece’s name, so I have reservations about using this in the future)

I’ve also kicked around [name]Florence[/name], [name]Georgia[/name], [name]Lydia[/name], and [name]Verity[/name] at various times, but they’re definitely on the lower end of the list these days.

I like [name]Lila[/name], too, and it’s a family name, but a close friend has already used it, so I crossed it off my list a while ago.

I like [name]Beatrix[/name] and your x theme… It’s on one of my lists for that very reason!
Maxxie, [name]Felix[/name] & [name]Bea[/name] sound cute together.

I love [name]Adelaide[/name], but if you’re worried that people are gonna think you chose of it because of the place, maybe chose another “[name]Ad[/name] name”.

[name]Pearl[/name] - Would be very sweet for a middle name. I don’t think there’s enough oomph as first name, but definitely would work as a middle name.

[name]Dulcie[/name] - Not sure how this is pronounced. Is it like Dull-see…or is it like Dool-chay? Either way, the “Dul” part is sticking out to me like a sore thumb.

[name]Beatrix[/name] - I prefer the “ce” ending myself. The X ending makes it look incomplete to me.

[name]Lilia[/name] - Is adorable though.