So this could get complicated as I’ve got 5 characters that need naming.
There are 5 kids, 3 boys 2 girls, with a set of boy/girl twins. The story is about a family that is broken apart when the father goes to prison, the mother is pregnant with boy/girl twins at the time. Things get pretty bad for the family when the [name]Press[/name] won’t stop harassing them and the neighbors don’t do anything to help them and the house is broken into a few times but the police can’t find the guy who does it. Basically, the crap hits the fan and splatters everywhere.
because of what her husband goes to jail for (hurting young girls) the mother vows never to love another man unless her oldest daughter (one of the victims of her ex’s crime) learns to love him (the new guy.)
Anyway, once the twins are born, the mother ([name]Bronwyn[/name]) packs up the kids, sells the house and sells a lot of their stuff and packs it all into an RV and they go across the country to try and find [name]Bronwyn[/name]'s parents who might be willing to help them. when they get to [name]California[/name], they find that [name]Bronwyn[/name]'s parents don’t want anything to do with their daughter or her children (cause you know, it’s all their fault that [name]Bronwyn[/name]'s husband went to jail. sarcasm) After that, [name]Bronwyn[/name] has to find work and manages to find job where she can work in a National park and still be at home with her children.
8 years pass and [name]Bronwyn[/name] finally falls in love with another guy but she won’t admit it until her oldest daughter loves him as well. It takes a while but the oldest daughter learns to love him and they all live happily ever after.
The problem? I can’t figure out names for the children. I like names that are strong, and don’t really lend themselves to nicknames. Here’s the weird thing, I’ve got middle names picked out for the characters already but no first names, here’s the names I’ve got so far, with the ages that they are in the story.
Oldest brother: (10-18) _______ [name]James[/name] Turow
Second brother (6-14) ________ [name]Ian[/name] Turow
Oldest daughter (4-12) _______ [name]Elaine[/name] Turow
Boy twin: (womb to 8) _______ [name]Reed[/name] Turow
Girl Twin: (womb to 8) ________ [name]Leia[/name] Turow
If anyone has any first name ideas that would be great. I don’t like names that are too long or short (2-3 syllables please)