[name]How[/name] wonderful - your wanting to provide the girls with a better life, your gift to the adoptive parents, and the new parents having you chose the twins’ names.
I think all of your name choices are lovely and classic names. You’ve got great taste.
I don’t know if you are worried about the flow of the first and middle names. After all, people so rarely use their middle names! But if you are, you might want to avoid the first names ending in “-a”, and to chose shorter first names to go with those longer middles.
[name]Lila[/name] [name]Theodora[/name] (I’m not sure as my middle name is [name]Lilliana[/name]) - I think tying your name to one of the girls is sweet. But if you want to avoid the double “-a”, maybe [name]Lily[/name]? It’s much more popular though…
[name]Julia[/name] [name]Cecelia[/name] - [name]Julia[/name] is a great name. BUT it’s a little rhyme-y with [name]Cecelia[/name] (if you care about flow). What about [name]Juno[/name]?
[name]Iris[/name] [name]Theodora[/name] - Very pretty, lovely flow…
[name]Rosa[/name] [name]Cecelia[/name] - [name]Rosa[/name]'s a pretty name, but (if you care about flow), there’s the double “-a” thing - what about [name]Rose[/name] or [name]Rosalie[/name]?
[name]Inez[/name] [name]Theodora[/name] - Gorgeous!
[name]Leonie[/name] [name]Cecelia[/name] - [name]Leonie[/name]'s a nice name, but (if you care about flow), it’s three syllables so the whole name feels a bit long…?
[name]Elisa[/name] [name]Theodora[/name] - [name]Elisa[/name] is a pretty, timeless, classic name, but (if you care about flow), there’s the double “-a” thing - what about [name]Elise[/name], maybe even [name]Elodie[/name]?
[name]June[/name] [name]Cecelia[/name] - Nice combination
[name]India[/name] [name]Theodora[/name] - I’m [name]Indian[/name], and so, I really, truly don’t like [name]India[/name] as a name.
[name]Tessa[/name] [name]Cecelia[/name] - I adore [name]Tessa[/name] name, but (if you care about flow), there’s the double “-a” thing - what about [name]Tess[/name]?
[name]Mila[/name] [name]Theodora[/name] - I really like this combination, in spite of the double “-a”, I still think it works somehow.
Of your choices, I like [name]June[/name] [name]Cecelia[/name] and [name]Iris[/name] [name]Theodora[/name] the most.
Someone else suggested [name]Hazel[/name], [name]Alice[/name], and [name]Agnes[/name], which would work well with the middles and seem to fit in with the other names you chose. [name]Ruby[/name] also seems to fit, but you might be British/European (based on the way you spelled favourite) so you might not want to use it because of popularity. Maybe [name]Esme[/name], [name]Eve[/name], [name]Maisie[/name] [name]Maren[/name]/[name]Maris[/name], [name]Pearl[/name].