[name]Olympia[/name]? not on your list is that cause it has some bad meanings we don’t know? [name]Polly[/name] is first name for sure but last night when talking names with family my Godmother asked about this one. You seem to be the myth expert
Thank you
[name]Hi[/name] Cindylou! I love [name]Polly[/name]
I love [name]Olympia[/name], too (it is on our list for middle names) and I can’t believe that I forgot it! [name]Olympia[/name] is the ancient Greek city where it is believed that the Olympic Games were first held. The Olympic [name]Flame[/name] is still lit there (using mirrors), before it begins its journey around the world to wherever the Games are being held. The name also comes from Mount [name]Olympos[/name], which was the home of the Greek gods and goddesses, including [name]Aphrodite[/name].
[name]Polly[/name] [name]Olympia[/name] is a beautiful name!
Thank you for being so fast.
I think it become our middle name.
we both love it
Now we need to decide if we want one more or not
[name]Olympia[/name] is lovely.
You’re welcome! If you use another middle name, I would personally go with something short and sweet - [name]Rose[/name] is popular in the middle, but lovely. [name]Pearl[/name] and [name]Plum[/name] are wonderful, but they might make it a little P-heavy … [name]Blythe[/name] is a personal favourite of mine.
Good luck!
[name]Cindy[/name] [name]Lou[/name],
I love that [name]Polly[/name] and [name]Olympia[/name] repeat the letter sequence of “oly” for the most part…
I think [name]Polly[/name] [name]Olympia[/name] [name]Blythe[/name] would be perfect because [name]Blythe[/name], too, contains the “ly” sequence! [name]Blythe[/name] has a gorgeous meaning, too!
thanks again we choice to only go with one middle name on the advice of our lawyer and her future goverment issued id. because our last name is 15 letter.
are day is here please see our birth annoucement