Hypothetically, of course - as the TTC is still not going well for us. Hubby and I both love [name]May[/name] and [name]June[/name] and have seriously considered both. What do you think of using these as a twin set? I understand it would be too “matchy” for some, but we just think it is such a cute idea! And honestly, if both weren’t months and there wasn’t that immediate correlation, I think they sound and look great together.
So what are your thoughts? Are [name]May[/name] and [name]June[/name] too much together? Or do you think they have a fun, fresh feel? Interested in honest (and polite) opinions!
First of all, prayers for your TTC efforts. I’m having ovarian drilling done [name]Wednesday[/name]. Not terribly stoked about the process, but hoping for good results.
Moving on. [name]May[/name] and [name]June[/name] as siblings… Idk if it’s whimsical or just too much. I personally wouldn’t go there. I have twin brothers. They’re 25 next month, so they were born back when twins were still eye-catching. Twins are so much a unit in so many ways, that my brothers have often expressed to me that they’re glad my mom didn’t give them “matchy” names. (They’re [name]Eric[/name] and [name]Cody[/name].)
As for siblings, I think it’s kinda the same thing… Maybe too much, maybe not. It depends on your personality and your kids’, really.
Reminds me of the comedian [name]Ralphie[/name] [name]May[/name], who named his daughter [name]April[/name] [name]June[/name]. It’s cute until you think about going through life as [name]April[/name] [name]June[/name] [name]May[/name]. The cuteness would wear off, as I think it would for [name]May[/name] & [name]June[/name], pretty quickly.
But that’s just my opinion. If you really really love the names and the idea, then do it.
I think if they were nicknames they would be really cute together. So something like [name]Mabel[/name] and [name]Juniper[/name] nn [name]Mae[/name] (or [name]May[/name]) and [name]June[/name]. If they hated the cutesy nn’s they would have their full name to fall back on.
It’s just too much. I very much prefer [name]May[/name], however- [name]Honey[/name] Boo Boo’s mother [name]June[/name] is the unfortunate connection that comes to mind when I hear [name]June[/name].
By the way, I absolutely [name]ADORE[/name] your name of the day, [name]May[/name] [name]Hyacinth[/name]! [name]May[/name] I suggest [name]May[/name] [name]Jacinta[/name]? [name]Jacinta[/name] is Spanish for [name]Hyacinth[/name].
You’ve loved both for so long but honestly they strike me as overly cutesy, in the [name]Mindy[/name]/[name]Mandy[/name] [name]Ebony[/name]/[name]Ivory[/name] vein. I think you’d have to choose, or use one as a middle. [name]May[/name] [name]Hyacinth[/name] and [name]Theodora[/name] [name]June[/name] work very well, and serve as a connection between the sisters without treating them like bookends.
I’ve heard much more matchy-sounding sister/twin names, but I still think they are too cutesy together. I do love them on their own and I love the combinations that you have listed in your signature. But if it came down to [name]May[/name] or [name]June[/name], I’d only use one or the other.
Off topic, but I think your combination of [name]Susannah[/name] [name]Pearl[/name] is especially gorgeous!
A little too matchy for me. [name]May[/name] I suggest changing [name]June[/name] to [name]Jane[/name]? [name]May[/name] and [name]Jane[/name] would sound lovely together.
[name]How[/name] about instead of [name]June[/name], [name]Junia[/name] or [name]Juno[/name]? And instead of [name]May[/name], [name]Mae[/name] or [name]Mabel[/name]? That way you can still call them [name]June[/name] and [name]May[/name] without having the months be so obvious.
I have a daughter called [name]May[/name] and I wouldn’t consider calling another sibling a month name. We actually weren’t thinking of the month when we named her, just loved the name but I’ve been surprised at how many people ask if she was born in [name]May[/name].(she wasn’t) I think because it is quite uncommon as a first name these days people automatically think of the month. So I think having the two names is a bit much but I like the suggestion of using [name]June[/name] as a middle name.
Also off topic but I adore the names you have listed in your signature (think that’s what it’s called?!) I only joined nameberry recently and your names really jumped out at me - love their combinations too. (although I loved [name]May[/name] [name]Constance[/name]- where has it gone?!)
I’m a twin and think that twins would probably hate haveing such matchy names.
As a twin you strive to be seen as a seperate entity to your sibling and names that are too matchy - [name]Lilly[/name] and rose, [name]Simon[/name] and [name]Samuel[/name], would hinder this somewhat.
However I love both may and [name]June[/name] (and [name]August[/name]) and think they could make cute middle names, or nicknames.
Thanks all! I had an inkling it was too much, but was just in a little but of denial I guess… Lol! Thanks for your kind comments and for some great perspective. I like the idea of doing a fn for one and a mn for the other.
[name]June[/name] seems a little dated to me right now, more like a mom/grandma name (not in a good way).
[name]May[/name]/[name]Mae[/name]/[name]Maeve[/name] I love, but it does seem to be trending. In case you’re concerned about it, it may get pretty popular.
I like them on their own, though I prefer [name]May[/name] (I actually know a [name]June[/name], she’s 13). But if they were a sibset, I would hope you wouldn’t name the other kids, if you decided to have them, not month names, because I would find that a little strange.
[name]Say[/name] you had [name]May[/name], [name]June[/name], [name]Connor[/name], and [name]Elizabeth[/name]. Two are months, and two aren’t. I don’t know if this is making any sense (I’m writing a huge paper so my brain is on low…) so it would be almost as if [name]Connor[/name] and [name]Elizabeth[/name] were cheated of the formula.
The suggestion to put [name]June[/name] as a middle name works for me too. I just think as first names together they are too much. [name]May[/name] [name]Hyacinthe[/name] and [name]Henrietta[/name] [name]June[/name] (from your signature as well) sound beautiful together <3
Good luck on TTC! Sending best wishes and baby dust your way!
Off topic, but like everyone else, I adore the names in your signature!!
I personally think this is way too matchy for twins. If you put another name on [name]May[/name] and made a double barrell first name it might break it up a little bit.
I really like the idea of nicknames [name]May[/name] and [name]June[/name].
They are each lovely names for sure!
[name]Even[/name] [name]Maeve[/name] and [name]Juno[/name] would not.be as obvious
[name]Love[/name] them, but maybe not as sisters. They will be asked where [name]April[/name] is.
I do love common middle names as firsts, but these would be better as middles in the same family. They feel too matchy together as firsts. Pick one or the other. [name]June[/name] is fresher. [name]Junie[/name] is a cute nickname.
btw - Good luck with ttc! It hasn’t been easy for my husband and I either, so I understand. I wish I could get my husband to like vintage names like [name]May[/name] and [name]June[/name]. He thinks they are too boring.