Twins: Skye (girl) & Cal (boy)

See the results of this poll: Skye & Cal?

Respondents: 26 (This poll is closed)

  • Love it : 1 (4%)
  • Like it : 7 (27%)
  • Neutral : 8 (31%)
  • Dislike it : 9 (35%)
  • Hate it: 1 (4%)

The reason I voted as disliking this combination is because these names are too gender neutral. [name]One[/name] could not tell which one is the girl and which one is the boy by only reading the names. But, if this is part of what you are trying to communicate through the story, they could be fine!

I voted neutral because…if they are nicknames than they are fine ([name]Cal[/name] from [name]Calvin[/name], [name]Caleb[/name] or [name]Callum[/name]…[name]Skye[/name] I guess is okay on its own but I think I’d prefer [name]Skyler[/name] nn [name]Sky[/name]…and IDK if they are boys or girls.)

i like it but think [name]Skye[/name] and [name]Callum[/name] work better