Hey guys! This is my 2nd BNG so please be nice, I don’t quite have the hang of it.
Examples are listed under each paragraph. [name]Just[/name] deleate them, if you chose.
My name is _______, and yesterday I turned ___ years old. As a celebration, my sister, _____, and I went out to dinner at my favorite _______ (mexican/italian/japanese) restraunt.
While we were ordering our entree, a hot, I mean HOT waitor came by our table, and took the orders. His name tag said that he was called ________. After he left, I got up to go to the ladie’s room. On my way back, I bump into the cute waitor…And spilled the tray he was carrying!!! I was totally mortified, but he assured me that everything was fine. The next couple of weeks, we started dating. I learned that he was ____ years old, and that he was adopted.
After 3 years of dating, we get married! The ceremony is in ____, and is _______. The honeymoon is in ________, a place we both adore!!
Ceremony is in [name]Hawaii[/name]
It is Small/big/etc
Honeymoon: Iceland
You and ______(your hubby) hit it off, and decide that you want to get pregnant! You concieve easily, and 9 monthes later, a baby (boy or girl) ____ is born!! If it is a boy, his name is Italian, and means Special. MN is a family name. If it is a girl, her name starts with S, and Her MN is exotic. The name is: _______
If you chose a boy, go to number 2. Girl, go to number 1.
Your house isn’t quite big enough for all three of you! The hubby works as a _____, and just got a raise. You decide to move to ________, and the house has __ bedrooms, and __ bathrooms. You love it! And so does you little girl. Go to 3!
The baby can’t be left alone during the day, and you are a full-time ________. Your hubby also works full-time! You have a difficult descision to make. [name]Will[/name] you keep your job (go to number 3), make your hubby quite (go to number 3), Or hire a nanny (go to number 4)
The baby is growing up way to fast! You and your beloved decide to try again. This time pregnancy takes a little bit longer, but in the end you have a bouncing baby boy!! His FN is after his grandfather, and the MN is Sebastion. What is his name? _________ (go to 5)
You nanny arrived today! She is French, and has a name that reflects it. What is her name? _________ (go to 7!)
The kids are gorgeous! You decide to take a break from having kids. But that doesn’t mean forever! Your first child is learning how to walk, and the baby boy is…sleeping!! Enjoy the peace while it lasts. (go to 6)
Today your mother died. It was timely, but a shock none the less. Her name was ______, and you loved her to death. It was a hard time, but you’ll live through it with the support of your two beautiful kids, and husband. (go to 9)
Your husband and nanny are having an affair!! You just found out today, and are mortified. He is out of this house, NOW! And so is she!! But that is ok. You got custody. You are having a hard time, but it could be worse. Maybe. (move to number 8)
After some dating, you get married for a 2nd time! His name is ________, and his three kids all have traditional names with whismical middles. The first two are boy twins, age 7, and the third is a girl, age 4. The boys are named __________ and ___________. [name]Little[/name] girl is named _________. Go to 9!
You and the hubby have another, 9 monthes later! Twin girls, aorable!! Their FNs are japanese, and the MN is a color. They have been named _____ and ______. Go to 10!!
The fam has been begging to visit a foriegn country since forever!! With your husband’s promotion, you chose to visit _______, and have a great time! If you anwsered with a place named A-L, go to number 11. M-Z, go to 12.
The husband has decided to adopt. You totally agree, and go along with his crazy plan. The little boy in the orphanage who caught your attention has the middle name of Domonic, and the FN is your choice. His name is _________. Go to 14.
You sister is begging you for a huge favor. But you oblige. Since she has had such a hard time getting preggos, you decide to get pregnant and give her the baby. 9 monthes later, a baby girl is born! Your sister names it after you and your mother, your name being the FN. [name]Little[/name] girl is named _________. You sister is so happy!! Go to 13.
After unsuccesfully trying to concieve, you turn to fertility treatment instead. 9 monthes later, you get a little more that you wanted… (tee hee) Quints!!! Three boys, and 2 girls. They all have either the initials M.G. or A.L.
[name]Baby[/name] A is _______, [name]Baby[/name] B is ________, [name]Baby[/name] C is ________, [name]Baby[/name] D is _________, [name]Baby[/name] E is _________!! It has been a nice run, but you are finished with having kids. Please list all the names below!! -
Tradgedy has struck! Three of your children have been fatally injured in a car crash, and they don’t pull through. Sadly, you morn the losses of your three children. The three that died were ______, _______, and _______.
You are finished having children, but please list all of thier names below!!