Two middle names: I love, DH hates

So, I’m a name nerd from way back, and while I don’t wanna go all [name]Uma[/name] [name]Thurman[/name] on a kid and give it 5 names, I like the idea of a second middle. We are TTC our 1st and I’m in my early 30s already and have potential fertility issues… It’s not likely we’ll get to have more than a couple kiddos, if we’re lucky. I wanna use some of my favorite names on my new favorite human! Besides, what’s wrong with a little excess? :wink:

We totally agree on the first and middle names for a boy and a girl. The boy’s name, [name]Joseph[/name] [name]Walker[/name], is very family oriented and set in stone. I would love to add a third, more adventurous name either before or after [name]Walker[/name], such as [name]Malachi[/name] or [name]Emmanuel[/name]. DH likes the names, but not the idea of a second middle.

For a girl, the only must-have is a middle that starts with [name]Mar[/name]-. It’s a family thing we wanna do. We love love love [name]Luna[/name] [name]Mariella[/name], but I want to add a third name, preferably [name]Snow[/name] or [name]Winter[/name]. I like frosty-sounding names. To me they have a haunting, evocative beauty. DH thinks winter means dead and dormant, and he doesn’t like adding another name.

Have any of you Momberries run into this? Were you able to convince DH to go for a second middle? Or do you think they’re dumb anyway?

I figure I can use guilt to convince him after he watches me push his child out of my body. :wink:

I gave my daughter a second middle but it was easy to convince my husband- our format was first name we just loved, family name from his side- family name from my side. He was excited to honor his late grandmother.

Maybe giving him full naming rights on one name will help!

Also maybe a less literal winter name will help. A lot of names feel icy to me without screaming winter

I agree, maybe not such a direct winter name will help. My brother (adopted from [name]Russia[/name]) has three little girls, all with three names. He didn’t use the patronymic, as his wife wanted them to be more “American”, but they used some Russian names.
[name]Alina[/name] [name]Veronika[/name] [name]Mae[/name] ([name]Alina[/name])
[name]Liliya[/name] [name]Anne[/name] [name]Katerina[/name] ([name]Liliya[/name])
[name]Sofia[/name] [name]Izabela[/name] [name]Claire[/name] ([name]Sofia[/name])
I love the three name theme, sometimes I wish I had done it with my own kids but I love their names anyway. You should definitely let him help choose the name if you want the three names.



I personally don’t get the whole two middles thing, especially since most people don’t get much use out of their 1 mn, but to each their own. I think it’s important to discuss the reasons you want a 2nd middle (like that you have all these names you like, but will miss your chance if you don’t have many kids) and the reasons he doesn’t want to do it. If he just thinks it’s pointless, he might be more willing to compromise than if he has a reason to feel strongly against the idea. You’ll probably have better luck getting him to agree to one of the boy’s names he likes than to one of the girl’s names he dislikes, since the girl’s names then have 2 strikes against being used.

I love having two middle names!! Personally i think it gives someone more to ‘work’ with i guess. I always pitied people who only had one middle name or none when i was much younger Hahaa. Try and push it a little more! I think [name]Luna[/name] [name]Mariella[/name] [name]Snow[/name] is so worth fighting for!!! Beautiful!
Also love [name]Joseph[/name] [name]Walker[/name] [name]Malachi[/name]

Good luck!