uh oh.. changed our minds - Lilou/Viola

[name]Hi[/name] again everyone thanks so much for your previous help,
W thought we had baby girls name set as [name]Lilou[/name] [name]Olive[/name] but recently stumbled across [name]Viola[/name] (again) through Twelfth [name]Night[/name] by [name]Shakespeare[/name]… which is one of my favourites and DH and I recently saw a production of it. What do you think of [name]Viola[/name]? [name]Viola[/name] [name]Lilou[/name], [name]Lilou[/name] [name]Viola[/name]/ [name]Viola[/name] [name]Olive[/name]??

What do you think of it as a sister for [name]Scarlett[/name], [name]Elsie[/name], [name]Felix[/name], [name]Arlo[/name] and [name]Moses[/name]? Is the [name]Scarlett[/name] and [name]Violet[/name] thing too similar to use?
What do you think???


also how would you pronouce it? Aussie berrys especially…

I love all three names [name]Lilou[/name], [name]Viola[/name] and [name]Olive[/name]. I also love how they all repeat l’s o’s and v’s. Gorgeous. You wouldn’t consider two middle names?

[name]Viola[/name] [name]Lilou[/name] [name]Olive[/name] ?

If you really only want two names, I’d choose your original [name]Lilou[/name] [name]Olive[/name]. Or maybe [name]Lilou[/name] [name]Viola[/name]. Or [name]Viola[/name] [name]Olive[/name] That’s a pretty tricky decision!

imogeneve - we would prefer 2 names as that is what all the other kids have but because she will probably be our last we may change that… I am also finding it hard to choose which combo…

also what about [name]Lula[/name]?

I think [name]Viola[/name] will age better than [name]Lilou[/name], though I do love [name]Lilou[/name].

misshoppy - thanks, most of our family agrees that [name]Lilou[/name] wont age well, but I dislike the idea that some names don’t fit ‘old people’, well if everyone has this point of view then no new names will come about… anyway in my kids generation there will be children unfortunately named [name]Nevaeh[/name] and Renesmae (sp?) so I don’t really mind that it doesn’t fit expectations of an adult name :slight_smile:
thanks though

[name]Viola[/name] [name]Lilou[/name] olive! Gorgeous! I prefer viola as a first name…

I prefer [name]Viola[/name] over [name]Lilou[/name], as I think it will age better.

Personally my favourites are [name]Viola[/name] and [name]Olive[/name]. I’m not keen on [name]Lilou[/name]. I also think [name]Lilou[/name] is strange with your other children’s names. Whereas [name]Viola[/name] is really beautiful, she’s a name you keep coming back too (it seems) I also love the [name]Shakespeare[/name] connotations and the fact that [name]Viola[/name] feels so similar and fitting with [name]Scarlett[/name], [name]Elsie[/name], [name]Felix[/name], [name]Arlo[/name] & [name]Moses[/name]. I also love [name]Viola[/name] with [name]Olive[/name]. [name]Viola[/name] [name]Olive[/name] sounds beautiful. I’m a [name]Brit[/name] berry I pronounce [name]Viola[/name] ‘[name]Vi[/name]-oh-la’. Concerning [name]Violet[/name] and [name]Scarlett[/name] the ending rhymes and are far to similar.


I think [name]Viola[/name] [name]Olive[/name] is a great mix of cute and class. [name]Lilou[/name] [name]Olive[/name] was too cutesy for me, but I think [name]Viola[/name] is great.

I love [name]Viola[/name] (see below) and would defiantly use it over [name]Lilou[/name] or [name]Olive[/name]. I also think it fits in better with the sib-set you described.
[name]Viola[/name] and [name]Olive[/name] are my two favorites from your choice of three but [name]Viola[/name] [name]Olive[/name] feels odd to me. It’s like you played word jumble.
[name]Viola[/name] [name]Lilou[/name] would be my suggestion.

I love [name]Viola[/name] best; [name]Viola[/name] [name]Lilou[/name] is adorable!

Well, I’m an American so perhaps it’s a pronunciation thing, but I wouldn’t do [name]Viola[/name] [name]Olive[/name]. I say vie-oh-la rhymes with granola. Too many similar sounds in [name]Viola[/name] [name]Olive[/name]. [name]Viola[/name] is almost the mirror image of [name]Olive[/name]. O L I V E and A L O I V. I find I stumble over saying them together.

Separately, I adore all three names.

I think [name]Viola[/name] sounds the best with your sibset. I don’t love it together with [name]Lilou[/name], though it’s not bad and a lot better than [name]Viola[/name] [name]Olive[/name]. I don’t find it too much with older sister [name]Scarlett[/name]. [name]Scarlett[/name], [name]Elsie[/name] and [name]Viola[/name] sound very pretty together as sisters. All feminine without being overly sweet.

[name]Lilou[/name] [name]Olive[/name] is adorable together, but I don’t think [name]Lilou[/name] is great as a sibset. I think it would work, and if you’re set on [name]Olive[/name] as a middle name, then I’d go with [name]Lilou[/name].

I do like pp suggestion of [name]Viola[/name] [name]Lilou[/name] [name]Olive[/name]. It feels like the name is skipping; it’s a playful, cheery name. [name]Love[/name] it.

If you’re set on two names, I’d go with [name]Viola[/name] and start searching for a different middle name. What sort of middles do the other children have? [name]Viola[/name] and [name]Olive[/name] are both words names.

[name]Viola[/name] and [name]Lilou[/name] are both nice names. I think [name]Viola[/name] [name]Lilou[/name] flows the best out of those options you gave.
I think [name]Scarlett[/name], [name]Elsie[/name], [name]Felix[/name], [name]Arlo[/name], [name]Moses[/name], and [name]Viola[/name] are a great combination. And I don’t think [name]Scarlett[/name] and [name]Viola[/name] are similar, I wouldn’t worry too much about that.
By the way, I adore the names [name]Scarlett[/name], [name]Elsie[/name], and [name]Felix[/name].
I would pronounce [name]Viola[/name] VIE-(like pie)oh-Luh
[name]Hope[/name] I helped! :slight_smile: And congrats!

Wow everyone… so much advice… thanks
Our other kids full names are [name]Scarlett[/name] [name]Anouk[/name], [name]Elsie[/name] [name]Sage[/name] (her full name is Elsabet, but she is hardly ever called this), [name]Felix[/name] [name]Atticus[/name], [name]Arlo[/name] [name]Jasper[/name] and [name]Moses[/name] [name]Henry[/name]. DH and I think that we may wait until she is born before we choose which one fits but we are always up for your help.
Also I have heard [name]Viola[/name] pronounced like VEE-oh-la, VIE-oh-la and also like vie-OH-la, which do you prefer? I assume that most people from Aus would use the second option but…

Thanks everyone

[name]Both[/name] [name]Viola[/name] & [name]Lilou[/name] are nice names!

I like the above suggestion of [name]Viola[/name] [name]Lilou[/name].

My 1st thought was to pronounce it with a long e sound at the start - vee-oh-la but I can imagine people also pronouncing it with a long i - vi (rhymes with hi)-oh-la.

I really like [name]Viola[/name] with the emphasis on the O.