Bento - never heard before. Quite cool in a way but sounds a little like a household object?? Like, I don’t know, a type of plastic or something? But I can see its appeal.
Caetano (K-tano) - never heard before. Makes me think of Capitan and over-the-top swash-buckling pirate names usually prefixed with “Dread Pirate [name_m]Captain[/name_m]”.
[name_u]Gael[/name_u] - I quite like [name_u]Gale[/name_u] so this is kinda awesome. For some reason the similarity with the girls’ name [name_f]Gail[/name_f] doesn’t put me off. I actually really like this.
[name_m]Moses[/name_m] - oh, this could SOOO work! I’ve actually heard this used before (on a boy who must be about 15/16/17 now).
[name_m]Octavio[/name_m] - prefer [name_m]Octavius[/name_m], sounds more masculine to me. This seems more Italian.
[name_m]Raoul[/name_m] - I love this. So sophisticated and boyish!! I thought it was pronounced like roar with an L on the end (rawl) and then rowl (like growl) but apparently it’s rah-ool. But it’s a great name. Its meaning, “wolf-counsel”, is rather striking, too. Big thumbs up!
[name_m]Romeo[/name_m] - ahhh, well, a lot of people would say it’s too tied to [name_m]Romeo[/name_m] and [name_f]Juliet[/name_f], but it’s a great name. It has style, flow, a boyish flip to it, and it just WORKS. So I really like it.
[name_m]Sancho[/name_m] (San-sho) - not a fan. Reminds me of overweight Mexicans wearing red bandanas riding horses in badly acted comedy Westerns. (They eat stuffed tortilla wraps with spicy beef in, too.) Again, though, I can understand the appeal - I just don’t feel it!
[name_u]Tristan[/name_u] - this is SO coming into style. I like it a lot. [name_m]Light[/name_m], young, fresh, and easy to say, with plenty of background.
[name_m]Balthazar[/name_m] - with the right person, BAM. Instant stunner. Such deep colours, and such a rich, historical aura!
[name_m]Bartholomew[/name_m] - not SO keen on this, but I still like it. Again, I guess the right person would make it pop.
[name_m]Eduardo[/name_m] - hmmm, again not as keen personally, but it could grow on me. Certainly it could grow on me. I prefer it to [name_m]Edward[/name_m] (shock!!).
[name_u]Valentine[/name_u] - [name_f]IMO[/name_f] sounds a bit girlish and foppish-men-in-floppy-hats-and-black-and-white-waiter-suits. And red carnations. BUT that’s just my opinion and from an impartial standpoint I think it’s great. Could grow on me and probably will. (These are pretty much my initial reactions.)