My husband and I have been trying to conceive since we were married nearly seven years ago, and I am now 31 weeks after two miscarriages. She will probably be our only child and we want a less common or unique name for her.
Annabe (anna-bee)
Arenata (air-Ruh-naught-uh)
[name]Athena[/name] (probably more popular but I like it)
[name]Gillian[/name] (again, more common but I love it) (jih-lee-in)
Saraline ([name]Sara[/name]-leen)
Arisa (uh-reez-uh)
We still haven’t found “the one” but are hoping you can help! We were thinking about honoring our other babies in her name, one was a boy we lost at 21 weeks, we call [name]Emmett[/name], the other gender unknown at 13 weeks, we call [name]Riley[/name]. My husband brought up [name]Emma[/name] Rylin, which I quite like, but I don’t know if her entire name should be after her lost siblings.
I agree that her whole name shouldn’t be after her lost siblings. I have a few uncles that had names that I loved but who died tragically very very young, and I would never use them (even though they’re the best names in the family tree by far!) because it just feels off to me and makes me a little nervous. Plus [name]Emma[/name] is on the popular side, which seems to go against what you’re looking for. What about [name]Emmeline[/name]? (I pronounce this “EMM-a-line”) I have loved this for a while and it’s much less popular (I think) than [name]Emma[/name], and gives you sort of a mix of both of those names in one name and then you can choose her middle name to just be hers. I like [name]Emmeline[/name] Arisa or [name]Emmeline[/name] [name]Athena[/name]. Or [name]Emmeline[/name] [name]Geneva[/name]. Good luck!
Thank you both. I really like Adonelia! It goes very nicely with our surname. [name]Izetta[/name] is a really cool name, I think it’s both pretty and fun, which is what we’re looking for. We also like [name]Isla[/name], though it is becoming more popular.
I really love [name]Athena[/name]! Feminine, exotic and strong. I love the sound of Annabe but it doesn’t look complete when written out. [name]Geneva[/name] and [name]Aislin[/name] are nice but not as striking. Arenata intrigues me, but I’ll admit I didn’t pronounce it right (I guessed air-ruh-nah-ta). Not a fan of Saraline or [name]Gillian[/name], sorry. And Arisa… that’s my friend’s Cosplay name and she thought she made it up! She actually uses it sometimes at school too, but pronounced uh-riss-ah.
First off, sorry to hear about your losses. I am so glad that you are 31 weeks pregnant, congratulations!
From your list my favorites are:
Annabe (I think it’s adorable)
[name]Geneva[/name] (Stunning)
[name]Gillian[/name] (Pretty)
Saraline (This is probably my favorite!)
Congrats on your pregnancy. I’m sorry for your loses but it’s wonderful to want to honor your children.
[name]Emmett[/name] and [name]Riley[/name] smooshed give me [name]Emily[/name]–I think it would be lovely to use as a middle since it’s more common.Or something less common like Riletta, but I’m not sure I like that and a lot of your options end in -a anyway.
Annabe - it’s cute, but it’ll forever be mistaken for [name]Annabel[/name]
[name]Geneva[/name] - one of my all time favorites I think all of the nn options and the lovely meaning and the sole spelling.
[name]Aislin[/name] - this isn’t a pleasant sound to me. sounds like A’s or aids to me.
Arenata - interesting but makes me think aeronautical.
[name]Athena[/name] - beautiful sound. I like this a lot. Also [name]Althea[/name], which is less popular.
[name]Gillian[/name] - I like this one a lot! It’s definitely more popular, but it’s lovely and the G spelling makes it a tad more unique.
Saraline - meh, not wild about this one, bit too smooshy for my taste
Arisa - my first instinct would be to pronounce is Ar-RISS-uh, and I’d probably mistake it for [name]Marisa[/name] or [name]Larisa[/name] or [name]Carissa[/name]
my favorites:
[name]Geneva[/name] [name]Emily[/name]
[name]Athena[/name] [name]Emily[/name]
[name]Althea[/name] [name]Emily[/name]
[name]Gillian[/name] [name]Emily[/name]
I just want to suggest [name]Iris[/name] - which means “rainbow” - because I think it’s a very positive image in light of what you’ve battled to reach her.
Congratulations, how wonderful to have a daughter finally!!!
I heard a name today close to my own daughter’s name but with a different meaning, one which might resonate with you:
[name]Eliana[/name] it means “God has answered”
[name]Just[/name] fyi I also read an article that said that after you have a baby your body produces more eggs - the only time in your life it happens. [name]Don[/name]'t know your situation but I thought that was a neat fact.
Also another thought - you can have as many middle names as you want!
Or, what about the middle name [name]Emily[/name]? ([name]Emmett[/name] & [name]Riley[/name] = [name]Emily[/name])
Or, is there a name that has a meaning that would be a tribute to their siblings in heaven? Perhaps “[name]Heaven[/name]”? or “[name]Hope[/name]”?
I am so, so sorry for your losses. I think it is a beautiful idea to try to honor your other babies in your daughter’s name. However, though [name]Emma[/name] Rylin is pretty, it doesn’t seem to fit the qualities you want in a name, since [name]Emma[/name] is quite popular. I think you have several options to honor your daughter’s siblings.
A “smoosh” name or similar names (like [name]Emma[/name] Rylin): This could be used as the middle or the first name; options include [name]Emily[/name] (as previously suggested), [name]Emma[/name], Rylin, etc.; [name]Rhett[/name] also comes to mind, but this name is more masculine for me - maybe use it in the middle or use Rhetta instead?; another thought about this method of honoring - if you choose a name that is very similar to [name]Emmett[/name] or [name]Riley[/name] as the first name, you may always be associating your daughter with the siblings who you lost, and for this reason, I would be more inclined to use a similar name in the middle slot (like [name]Geneva[/name] [name]Emily[/name], etc.)
A name with the same meaning as [name]Emmett[/name] or [name]Riley[/name]: I really like this option. [name]Emmett[/name] means “whole”, “universal”, or “truth”; [name]Riley[/name] means “courageous” or “valiant”. I’ll give a couple of suggestions that I like for each meaning -
Meaning truth:
[name]Verity[/name] - not even in the top 1000 in the U.S., has a beautiful sound
[name]Vera[/name] - simple but pretty, still rare though it is becoming more popular
[name]Alethea[/name] - really like this one for you; very rare, sounds similar to [name]Athena[/name], has the added bonus of the adorable nn [name]Thea[/name]
Meaning whole/universal:
[name]Emmaline[/name] - considered a variation of [name]Emma[/name], which also means universal; much less common and would also honor [name]Emmett[/name] in sound
Temima - not sure how I feel about this one; I waffle between liking it and being confused by it
[name]Cosima[/name] - means universe, but I think it’s close enough
[name]Amita[/name] - love this one; means infinite
Meaning courageous/valiant:
[name]Andrea[/name] - means courageous; one of the more popular ones but very pretty; has the very cute nn of [name]Rea[/name]
[name]Valerie[/name]/[name]Valeria[/name] - means strong or valiant; like them both but prefer the “ie” ending
A name with a nice meaning to honor the lost siblings and the struggles you have gone through: You could use a name like “gift from God”, “beloved”, “long awaited”, etc.; Here are my suggestions:
[name]Beatrix[/name] (she who brings happiness)
Kayin (celebrated child)
[name]Mireille[/name] (miracle)
[name]Dorotea[/name]/[name]Dorothea[/name] (gift from God)
So you have a lot of options, but I think it’s a really great idea to honor your other babies. I also like a lot of the names on your list, particularly [name]Geneva[/name], Arenata, Arisa, and Saraline. Good luck making your decision! You have a lot of great options!
I posted on your other thread, so cross-posting here:
I am sorry for your losses. I think it is very normal and natural to wish to honor your other children via this daughter’s life. In the days when infant and child death was sadly much more common, it was almost standard to name a new baby after a deceased older sibling.
I think your idea is a good one-- give this daughter her own first name and a middle name which honors her siblings. Some thoughts for the middle:
[name]Emily[/name] ([name]EMmett[/name] + riLEY)
Emsley ([name]EMmett[/name] + jaMES + riLEY)
[name]Emira[/name] (‘princess,’ [name]EMmett[/name] + [name]Riley[/name])
Emiri (Japanese name, [name]EMmett[/name] + [name]RIley[/name])
[name]Amoret[/name] (“beloved,” [name]MORgan[/name] + emmETT)
[name]Emerald[/name] ([name]EMMEtt[/name] _ [name]RiLey[/name])
[name]Reinette[/name] (“little queen,” [name]RIley[/name] + emmETT)
[name]Lisette[/name] (riLEY, jameS, emmETT)
[name]Teagan[/name] (emmeTT + mor[name]GAN[/name])
[name]Mirjam[/name] ([name]Miriam[/name] in Dutch, Croatian, etc; [name]MORgan[/name] + JAMEes). [name]Miriam[/name] means “wished for child” so that would be double-appropriate.
[name]Jamina[/name] (feminine form of [name]James[/name]; [name]JAMes[/name] + rilEY + morgAN)
Congratulations to you and your sweet family! I really love all of your choices. My favorites are Arisa, [name]Geneva[/name], [name]Gillian[/name] and Saraline. (with a bit of favor on Saraline, it’s simply beautiful!!) I agree that the entire name not be made an honoree as she has to have her own identity. Maybe [name]Emily[/name] ([name]Emmett[/name] + [name]Riley[/name]) for a mn?
Best Wishes to you!