unisex names gone too far!

In some European countries [name]Luca[/name] is a girls name - the “c” is pronounced similarly to “[name]Lucy[/name]” or “[name]Lucia[/name]”, whereas “[name]Luka[/name]” is for a boy.
I have heard of a few girl named “[name]Hunter[/name]”, but I am generally not the biggest fan of unisex names.

I think it’s rather silly tbh.

[name]Tyler[/name] I can see on a girl, only because of [name]Taylor[/name], which was originally boy as well.
The rest, no thank you.

[name]Luca[/name] is not actually a new unisex name at my school I was reading the annual and a 12 year old is called [name]Luca[/name] and on The X [name]Factor[/name] Australia last year an 18-20 yr old was named [name]Tyla[/name] so it’s same old same old

I think [name]Luca[/name] is an awful name regardless, but seems super feminine to me. [name]Jayden[/name] seems more feminine to me too. I [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Parker[/name] on a girl, and [name]Sawyer[/name] is cute too. And in response to other’s comments, I’ve never met a boy [name]Madison[/name]. [name]Ever[/name]. Never even heard of a boy named [name]Madison[/name].

I have a son named [name]Spencer[/name], I wish you wouldn’t call it demasculated. In my opinion it has boyish charm and grown up man likability.

I have a son named [name]Spencer[/name], I wish you wouldn’t call it demasculated. In my opinion it has boyish charm and grown up man likability.

I actually said the opposite. I said its NOT demasculated. That I think it is just as strong for a boy, yet still works well on a girl. I would name my child [name]Spencer[/name] male or female.

I agree, I think [name]Luca[/name] is culturally ignorant. [name]Just[/name] because a name ends in “ah” doesn’t mean it’s feminine. It’s traditional in New [name]England[/name] to use surnames as first names or middle names, so I’m used to it, and my name was a surname first, then a man’s first name, and now a woman’s name. I didn’t like it as a child, and I still don’t like it…which is why my daughter has a classic girl’s name and my son has a classic boy’s name. The worst is I have a student named [name]Uriah[/name] who is a girl, which I can’t understand at all. The story behind the name is tragic, and there’s the character [name]Uriah[/name] Heep, which makes it an unlikeable name for me, let alone a girl’s name.