You know, I think it may be one of the ugliest names there is, but it is also one of my distant ancestors’ names, who was a Jamestown Colony resident in the 1600s.
But, am I wrong? Does anyone like [name_f]Unity[/name_f]?
You know, I think it may be one of the ugliest names there is, but it is also one of my distant ancestors’ names, who was a Jamestown Colony resident in the 1600s.
But, am I wrong? Does anyone like [name_f]Unity[/name_f]?
Idk, I would never use it, but I think it’s pretty
[name_f]Unity[/name_f] is actually on my list of favourites! It would be a name I’d consider irl. I love the meaning. I do dislike the Uni- association (unibrow, university, unicycle, etc!), so that might be enough to dissuade me.
[name_m]Just[/name_m] wanted to say there is at least one [name_f]Unity[/name_f] lover out here!
I really love the way virtue names sound, but I’d never use one. I think obvious names like [name_u]Liberty[/name_u], [name_u]Honor[/name_u], [name_u]Harmony[/name_u], etc seem kinda silly to me. So personally no, I wouldn’t use it.
I would not use it, but I think it is a pretty word. [name_m]Just[/name_m] not a name for me - but some people use [name_f]Verity[/name_f], [name_u]Liberty[/name_u], etc, so IMO could be used for a middle name.
I love [name_f]Verity[/name_f].
Actually, [name_f]Unity[/name_f] [name_u]Sage[/name_u] sounds really pretty haha! But again, the meaning is a little too much for me, and a huge name to live up to.
I probably wouldn’t use it but I do kind of like the sound. Maybe because it reminds me of [name_f]Amity[/name_f] which i do prefer
I don’t like it for a first name but with the right first name it could make a decent middle name
I’m on the fence on this one. It sounds very pretty, but as a name it seems a bit much. I think I would consider it as a middle though.
I actually do like it! I wouldn’t use it just because there are other names I like more, but I don’t have any issues with [name_f]Unity[/name_f] as a name.
I’m not personally a fan of [name_f]Unity[/name_f] as a name (I agree it feels a little weighty, and that’s not something I generally ever think about a name) but I also happen to know someone who used it as her daughters middle name (hers is [name_f]Eternity[/name_f] so she liked the connected meanings). I think as a middle it could work just fine, but I’m not the biggest fan of using virtue names to begin with. It definitely fits current trends of -ity names à la [name_f]Trinity[/name_f], [name_f]Verity[/name_f], [name_f]Amity[/name_f], and [name_u]Liberty[/name_u] though so I wouldn’t be surprised to eventually see this one rising a bit in use.
I associate it strongly with [name_f]Unity[/name_f] Mitford, who isn’t a great association. I think because it’s such an uncommon name, it feels more tied to its most famous bearer than others. I quite like the sound but it would be a no-go for me on that front.
I know someone called [name_f]Unity[/name_f] and because of her I think it’s absolutely lovely! I can see it working on a real person. And I don’t think it’s ugly, it’s striking
I’m not a big fan myself, but I actually think it’s perfectly usable. But I’m very hot and cold on virtue names.
You know what, I’ve never considered it but I actually think it sounds really pretty! With all the other virtue names out there, I don’t see why [name_f]Unity[/name_f] couldn’t be used in the fn spot!
The name [name_f]Unity[/name_f] is gorgeous
I wouldn’t use it personally, but I don’t think it’s the ugliest name out there. I could definitely see people using this as a name. I don’t hate it!
I don’t think it’s my top word or virtue name but I don’t think it’s a bad name. For those who like [name_f]Verity[/name_f], [name_f]Chastity[/name_f], [name_f]Heavenly[/name_f], [name_u]Liberty[/name_u] I could see a sibling [name_f]Unity[/name_f] fitting right in!
I also thought of [name_f]Unity[/name_f] Mitford (a british aristocrat who was a friend and supporter of Hitler) so the name is ruined for me. Nevertheless [name_f]Unity[/name_f] has a nice meaning and sound.