Unpopular Opinion

What are some girls’ names that you love that are generally disliked? Or well-loved names that you don’t like?

Names I don’t like that are popular on Nameberry: Cordelia, Cecilia, Eleanor, Violet, Maeve, Eloise, Hazel, Caroline, Esme, Ruby.

Everyone seems to hate my love for the name [name]Pacie[/name] on a girl. And I really dislike [name]Beatrice[/name] and [name]Beatrix[/name] which have become so popular. Those are just a few examples.

I’m fond of [name]Carmen[/name], and I’m not entirely sure why. Everyone I mention it to points out that it sounds unmasculine, like “car men”. But I don’t know why I still like it!

I love [name]Kylie[/name] Jamie and Lola, which aren’t always well-recieved here.

And oh boy, there’s a lot of names I can’t stand that lots of people here love:

namelover77, I think your opinion is less unpopular than you might think. I dislike every name on your list except 2 of them, but they do seem universally loved here so I tend to keep that to myself.

[name]Coralie[/name]. I have no idea why I hate that name but I do. You can go ahead and add [name]Cordelia[/name] too.

I love frilly names, which a lot of people don’t like. [name]Thomasina[/name], [name]Shoshana[/name], [name]Amaryllis[/name], [name]Ondine[/name], [name]Raphaela[/name], etc. I also love the name [name]Odile[/name].

I try to keep an open-mind about most names; I’ve developed an understanding of the appeal of and even an appreciation for a few names I previously had an outright dislike for ([name]Edith[/name] and [name]Dorothy[/name], for example) since frequenting the site, but there are a few I am still completely confounded by. These names include [name]Hadley[/name], [name]Harriet[/name], [name]Enid[/name], [name]Ethel[/name], [name]Bertha[/name], and [name]Mildred[/name] for girls and [name]Seymour[/name] and [name]Wilbur[/name] for boys. Also, the “eu–” names sound really, really harsh: [name]Eugene[/name], [name]Eugenia[/name], [name]Eunice[/name], [name]Eudora[/name], [name]Beulah[/name], etc. are all like nails on a chalkboard for me. I don’t know why.

I also get that [name]Hattie[/name] and [name]Millie[/name] are very cute nns for [name]Harriet[/name] and [name]Mildred[/name], BUT I would rather see little girls named [name]Hattie[/name] or [name]Millie[/name] than given the more formal versions of their names. I see [name]Harriet[/name] as “[name]Harry[/name]-ette” and [name]Mildred[/name] as my evil junior high pre-algebra teacher whom I generally refer to as “Prof. Umbrage” these days. [name]Ethel[/name] makes me think of Big [name]Ethel[/name] from the [name]Archie[/name] comics and ethyl alcohol; [name]Enid[/name] reminds me of [name]Elizabeth[/name] Wakefield’s drippy, boring, and inconsistently written best friend; [name]Bertha[/name] sounds unflattering and comes with the Big [name]Bertha[/name] association (and kind of sounds like a burp), and [name]Hadley[/name] I just don’t get, at all. I generally don’t like surnames as names anyway, but I don’t have problems with many of the actual names except this one. Not sure why. [name]Evelyn[/name] is a name I also don’t understand (but most -lin/lyn names are kind of meh for me), but I have such an overwhelmingly strong negative association with this name because of a former co-worker that I don’t know if it’s the name or the association that just kills it for me.

I can appreciate the backlash against Tryn’[name]Dee[/name] names and the embracing of classic/vintage names, but I don’t think something is awesome just because it’s old and currently unpopular. (I mean, in 100 years, our descendants are going to dust-off “classics” such as [name]Nevaeh[/name], [name]Jayden[/name], and Brittkneigh!)

[name]Noone[/name] can take me seriously when i bring up [name]Primrose[/name] and [name]Sailor[/name] for pretty obvious reasons. I also dislike [name]Hannah[/name], [name]Louise[/name], and [name]Heather[/name] for reasons unknown and theyre pretty popular.

I hate all the trendy, masculine surnames for girls. Stuff like [name]Sawyer[/name], [name]Sutton[/name], [name]Waverly[/name]…ugh, I find them so unattractive and not “unisex”, just manly.

[name]Man[/name] oh man am I sick of the name [name]Sophia[/name]! I personally know at least 7 born within the last 2-3 years! Enough already!

If my partner were willing, I would name this baby [name]Clover[/name]. But nooooo…

Gosh, there’s so many names I like that even some Berries hate. I’m extremely fond of vintage names, especially for girls, but I don’t understand why it’s to old-ladyish to name your child [name]Winifred[/name], [name]Dorothy[/name], or [name]Agnes[/name]?
I also love [name]Hilary[/name], but people will think it’s because of [name]Hillary[/name] [name]Clinton[/name]. Why don’t people understand that I like for it’s vintage charm and not it’s political affiliations?
I agree with flick about hating the unisex surnames for girls.

I don’t understand the popularity of the name [name]Declan[/name]. Also, really dislike [name]Colton[/name], [name]Wyatt[/name] and [name]Kylie[/name]/Kayliegh. Also, the -aiden names. When i meet a kid with those names, I almost shudder. And apparently, I am in the vast minority. Most of the “old lady” names I like are hated by my DH and friends.

He really dislikes

[name]Charlotte[/name] the harlot and [name]Scarlet[/name] Scarface. Lol. I don’t know why these names are so popular. And I’m not a massive fan of [name]Eloise[/name] or all of these trendeigh boy names on girls or surnames used as first names. Yuck!

I don’t get the “old lady” thing, either. Old ladies were babies once, too - and your child [name]WILL[/name] spend the majority of their life as an ADULT. They are a baby for a year, they spend 50+ years (hopefully) as an adult.

LOL, I feel the same exact way about [name]Charlotte[/name] and [name]Scarlet[/name]. (I also don’t love [name]Violet[/name], but I don’t love names that end in T).

Names that I hate are [name]Imogen[/name], [name]Cordelia[/name], [name]Primrose[/name], [name]Persephone[/name], [name]Madaline[/name], [name]Matilda[/name], and [name]Georgia[/name]. I don’t understand how anyone would even consider giving these to a person.

Lol, [name]Cordelia[/name] is our top girls name - it seems to be one that people either really love or really hate, either way, it tends to induce a very strong reaction.

I [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Neva[/name] which is not popular and not very likable to some.
I’m not a fan of popular [name]Sophia[/name], [name]Cornelia[/name], [name]Beatrix[/name], [name]Felicity[/name]/[name]Felicia[/name] and so many other names I can’t remember right now.

I cannot stand the names [name]Hannah[/name], [name]Willa[/name] (which seems to be gaining popularity on here), [name]Primrose[/name] (I really don’t understand this one…), [name]August[/name], and [name]Pearl[/name]

[name]Violet[/name] is one that I do like, but it is one of the few names I like that end with a “t.”