Unusual And Strange Baby Names?

So I’m not pregnant but I’m very interested with baby name so and stuff. Recently, I’ve been trying to make up new baby names but all I could come up with were names I found out were already real. Stuff like Kita, [name_u]Osie[/name_u], [name_f]Mali[/name_f] and [name_u]Zia[/name_u]. Kita meaning [name_f]Kitty[/name_f] in Japanese, [name_u]Osie[/name_u] meaning noble and honourable, [name_f]Mali[/name_f] meaning full and rich and [name_u]Zia[/name_u] meaning wheat and grain. If anyone can help than that would be great. Got any made up/original names?:stuck_out_tongue:

well i don’t make these up but its always fun to check out name generators, like alien names, elvish names, etc. my favorite site is fantasynamegenerators.com but there are a lot more out there.
Some fun unusual ones from that site:
plus LOTS more.
She also does place names, pop culture names (like [name_f]Star[/name_f] Wars names), and real-life names, along with plot ideas and other stuff like that. Cool site. And I doubt most of the names from those links are real names lol