[name_m]Hi[/name_m] berries!
I had heard of the name [name_f]Apple[/name_f] (from [name_f]Gwyneth[/name_f] Paltrow) and thought it was cute but a bit cutesy as a first name. But last year online I came across a mom who named her girl [name_f]Isabeau[/name_f] [name_f]Peach[/name_f]. This isn’t my usual naming style but thought it was absolutely adorable. DH calls me [name_f]Peach[/name_f] (my first name sounds similar) and the name reminds me of a little melody my grandma used to sing.
I have a few questions about [name_f]Peach[/name_f]. It is without a doubt cutesy, but is it too much as a middle name? [name_m]How[/name_m] about a first name?
I am not currently pregnant but in the future if we have a girl, we’re set on the name [name_f]Rosa[/name_f]. Is [name_f]Rosa[/name_f] [name_f]Peach[/name_f] too easy of a name to tease? Any bad associations? Potential to not be taken seriously or age well? It might sound crazy but I love this name, and I only want to abandon the idea if there is a good reason I shouldn’t ever use it