Would you use a name that had already been used in your family? Currently, our top name for a girl is [name_f]Scarlett[/name_f]. I fell in love with the name when I worked at a daycare with a little girl named [name_f]Scarlett[/name_f]. I have a second cousin (or a first cousin once removed) named [name_f]Scarlett[/name_f]. She is about 16-17 years old. The last time I saw her was when she was about five. I don’t really talk with a lot of my family in general. Would you still use the name?
Yep, I would. The only names I wouldn’t use would be that of my siblings, aunties, uncles, grandparents and close family friends - unless honouring them, obviously. I would use a name of my cousin (I only see cousins on one side of the family once a year and we aren’t close, but the cousins on the other, more closer side I wouldn’t use their names) but any closer than that and I wouldn’t.
I think it depends on a few factors, one of which being how close you are with the person who has the name. You already said you never see this person, so unless you think it might cause some disagreement or confusion among your family, then I don’t think the name already being used should stop you from using it.
I would. If you are really concerned you could ask her how she felt about it.
I would. My sister used a name that her husband’s cousin had used (and for a different gender). They just mentioned that they liked it and hope they didn’t mind sharing. His cousin lives across the country and they rarely see each other. They phrased it in a way that they weren’t asking for permission since they really loved the name. Good luck!
I’d probably say no to first cousins, but second cousins are totally fair game.
I would for second cousins & first cousins once removed, especially if you never see her. I draw the line at my siblings & nieces & nephews. (So my kid’s aunties, uncles & first cousins)
I think being a distant relative who you don’t really maintain a relationship with, it is perfectly fine to use the same name. However, I would personally consider where the common relative is. For example, if she is in fact your first cousin once removed (your cousin’s child), she would be your child’s second cousin which means they would share great-grandparents. If your grandparents are still around, would it be weird for them to have 2 great-grandchildren with the same name? Or would it be weird for you having a child with a “duplicated” name given that relationship? I think family size might also be a reasonable consideration too. I personally wouldn’t do it, knowing that my maternal grandparents (as an example) only have 4 great-grandchildren at this point and do maintain a pretty close relationship with their great-grandkids.
Given that you don’t have a relationship with your cousin, I wouldn’t worry about it. I think the name is fair game.