I’ve been a huge name nerd ever since I was a little kid, and have been a part of many online baby name communities at this point. I’m not sure why this is, but it seems like name enthusiasts often look down upon sibling sets where all the names begin with the same letter (I’ll admit I’ve been guilty of this before). So, I’m interested in any and all opinions you guys have on this topic. Thanks in advance!
I do not mind the first initial being the same. There are only 2 times when this bothers me:
1). When the names do not have their own individual sounds. For example, siblings named [name]James[/name], [name]Jane[/name] & [name]Jayden[/name] are not ok to me. However [name]George[/name], [name]Gabriel[/name] & [name]Gretchen[/name] could work pretty well.
2). When parents use the same initial because they accidentally started a theme and wanted to keep it going. For example, let’s say you really like the names [name]George[/name] and [name]Gabriel[/name], so that’s what you name your two sons. Only now, you’re having a daughter and you feel like she needs a “G” name or she’ll feel left out. You and your husband really love [name]Eliza[/name], but [name]Gretchen[/name] is the only “G” name you can agree on without vomiting. Please use [name]Eliza[/name] instead of [name]Gretchen[/name]. No one will care that you didn’t follow through with the unintentional "G "theme.
I agree with dovah. I know families where all the kids have the same first initial, and it’s simply because they love names that start with that letter. And it’s always A or S, which is weird.
It doesn’t bother me unless the names are overly matchy i.e. all of the names start with the same syllable, have the same ending, rhyme, etc OR if it’s a bigger family (4+ children).
While I don’t really care for it, I don’t think first initial matters as much as same sound. It feels less creative on the parents’ part, less individual for the kids and more confusing for everyone. If you say “hey [name]Jane[/name], can you do x” and she thought you said “[name]James[/name]”, it’s a problem. Same with rhyming names–if you have a [name]Bailey[/name] and [name]Kaylee[/name] it could get confusing too. [name]Catherine[/name] and [name]Charles[/name], however, aren’t a big deal.
I think it can work, it depends on the sibset. I’d like to see your ideas so I can better tailor my reply.
I think it’s cute! My partners mom’s name is Lubika, his name is [name]Lucian[/name], and his brothers name is [name]Lucas[/name]! All the lu’s haha
I have no problem with it. What I do have a problem with is when people, like my aunt, start making up names to fit the theme (granted, not all of her children’s names are made up, but at least two are, I believe). If you have to work that hard to “fit the theme” it’s taking it too far. I don’t mind theme (I’d actually be thrilled to meet children named [name]Jack[/name], [name]Cecily[/name], and [name]Gwendolen[/name], for example [all characters from The Importance of Being [name]Earnest[/name]], or any other literary theme), but I do think it’s limiting, and if there’s another name out there you could love SO much more, I say forget the theme. But honestly, if you have three kids and your favorites are [name]Jack[/name], [name]Juliana[/name], and [name]Josiah[/name], then why not? They’re all great names. I plan on having quite a large family (I’m hoping for 5 at this point, but I’m guessing that’ll change once I actually have children), and I’m guessing there could be overlap in letters. I like a lot of names that share the same first initial ([name]Arianne[/name], [name]Avery[/name] [b], [name]Asher[/name]; [name]Charlotte[/name], [name]Caleb[/name]; [name]Eleni[/name], [name]Eva[/name], [name]Everett[/name]; [name]Brody[/name], [name]Bailey[/name]; etc.)–I very well might end up with [name]Isabelle[/name], [name]Olivia[/name], [name]Charlotte[/name], [name]Caleb[/name], and [name]Everett[/name], for example, or [name]Arianne[/name], [name]Avery[/name], [name]Isabelle[/name], [name]Asher[/name], and [name]Violet[/name].
Not a personal fan, but it can work if there is more than 2 siblings in the sibset and the others names start with different letters like.
[name]Hazel[/name], [name]Frederic[/name] & [name]Henry[/name].
I don’t know why, but for some reason, I absolutely cannot stand it. It’s part of my OCD itch. Whenever I’m playing BNGs, even, and two of my “kids” end up having the same first initial, I start to itch. I suppose it is different with names like [name]George[/name] or [name]Gretchen[/name], where they sound different but have the same first letter, but I’d really rather prefer my kids’ names just sound completely different.
Another thing I don’t understand about myself (lol that sounds kind of funny) - Out of the current names I have planned for my future children, four out of five of them only have four letters. The fifth one has five. (In case you’re wondering, the names are [name]Seth[/name], [name]Drew[/name], [name]Rose[/name], [name]Nora[/name], and [name]Erica[/name].) And that doesn’t bother me at all. It might be because they aren’t all the same number of syllables and none of them are too similar. Besides, when you hear, “[name]Seth[/name]! Get [name]Drew[/name], it’s time to go!”, you don’t think, “Huh, they have the same number of letters in their names.” Or at least…I don’t.
I’m rambling. I’m sorry.
I come from a family with all M names. Not just my siblings but ALL my cousins and uncles as well. I think that in my family my dad and mom really like [name]Morgan[/name] (my brothers name) and [name]Meryl[/name] (my name) then continued the M thing to keep us unified. I do NOT like it even though our names all sound very different my mom, grandma and just about everyone else gets confused when we are all together. If you happen to love 2 names with the same letter go for it. I just would not go past 2 sibs w same first initial.
I would never use the name initial for my kids but it doesnt bother me at all, i baby sit for a family that has [name]Luke[/name], [name]Lianna[/name] and the new baby is [name]Lilah[/name] and I love it
I don’t mind it but I grew up with my Dad’s brothers and sister that my Grandmother [name]Doris[/name] and Grandfather [name]Leo[/name] named [name]Richard[/name] nn [name]Dick[/name], [name]Daniel[/name], [name]David[/name], [name]Dean[/name], [name]Dennis[/name], [name]Donald[/name], which left, [name]Michael[/name], [name]Leo[/name] and [name]Janice[/name] looking a little left out. Haha.
I think it is okay as long as the names sound different. I don’t think I would intentionally set out to do that but it might happen unintentionally for all I know.
I don’t see a problem with it, if the parents happen to love names with one letter. Now, if someone forces a theme on their family and winds up choosing names they don’t really like for the sake of a theme, then I don’t like it. But yeah, I don’t have a problem with it. My grandma comes from a family with all D names.
I agree that it’s better if you just happen to like a certain letter and worse when you try to force a name to fit the theme. The Duggars have all those kids with J names and most of them have names that don’t bother me, but I think [name]Jinger[/name] got the short end of the stick. What’s weird is they came up with like 5 more girl names after that. It would make more sense if she was at the end when they were really running dry on ideas.
I have the same first initial as my little sister ([name]Avalon[/name] and [name]Asia[/name]) and like like many previous posters, it doesn’t bother me as long as the names still feel individual, which I think our names do. My parents didn’t choose A names on purpose, they were just the only girl names they could agree on. Another limitation I have is the number of kids. Beyond three, to me, the same initial theme starts to feel a bit much.
I’ve never understood “[name]Ginger[/name]-with-a-J” either. Why not [name]Julia[/name]?
I personally can’t stand it unless it’s incidental and only two or so kids have the same initial. In my family we have my dad’s side: M, my mom’s side: C, and my stepmom’s side: J. So we have: [name]Marcell[/name], [name]Mark[/name], [name]Marvin[/name], Marcusx3, [name]Christina[/name] (Me), [name]Charisse[/name], [name]Candyce[/name], Catherinex2, Carlise, [name]Carlton[/name], [name]Crystal[/name], [name]Joni[/name], [name]Jill[/name], [name]Jan[/name], [name]Joe[/name]. It’s quite annoying knowing they did that on purpose and we are all the same in a way and not as unique as if we have different initials.
There was a client at an animal hospital where I worked whose last name started with T. I believe she had 4 cats, 2 with C-starting names and 2 with A-starting names. She told me she gave all of them a first and middle name so that their initials spelled out C.A.T. It was actually kind of cute, given that they were cats, but I’m so glad she didn’t do something like this with actual children.