My OH comes from a large family, very large. His youngest sibling is due in [name_u]March[/name_u]. [name_m]Even[/name_m] though we’re still 3-5 years away from having our own children we’ve been discussing names for years. Our front runner for the past four years has been [name_m]Isaac[/name_m].
My fear is that his parents’ would wind up using [name_m]Isaac[/name_m]. I feel irrationally worried about it as when OH mentioned [name_m]Isaac[/name_m] his parents made a face of pure ick so I doubt they would ever use it. But neither of us want to give up the idea of the name being “ours”.
Which brings me to my questions: would it be weird if we still used the name after his parents did?
Where do you draw the line on using the same name within families?
Well if his parents made the icky face, you probably have nothing to worry about. I don’t think I’d use the same name if the kids were close to the exact same age and saw each other often. Some family’s are okay with that, some aren’t.
My husband’s family has some little girl with names that I like and have considered using (on boys) and it wouldn’t bother me if they had the same name. I never see them, they’re about 10 years younger than me and have no impact on my life. It’s up to what you feel comfortable with.
If you really love a name, I’d suggest keeping it to yourself around those who are having babies if you’re worried they’ll use it. Names have a way of growing on people when brought up over and over. I personally keep my names to myself when family is involved (name berry gets out my urge to talk names :3 )
I talk to my little sister and a friend about names. My sister thinks I have horrendous taste and my friend doesn’t want kids.
OH offered to remind his parents that its our favorite name. I asked him not to unless they mention it.
We currently live 4,000 miles away but by the time we have kids we could be living 4-5 hours away so they’d be within 3-5 years apart and see each other every few months.
If it was any other name I’d let it go. But I’m so attached to this one I can’t let it go.