Using Your Own Name As MN?

Hello Berries!

Right now, my husband I have a solid list for girls’ names for our little one (see below). [name]Nora[/name] is our current fave. My problem: my favorite combo for [name]Nora[/name] is [name]Nora[/name] [name]Kate[/name]. [name]Kate[/name] is my first name and I’m not sure about putting it in our future daughter’s name. Does it seem tacky or strange? We do have other family names that we’re considering but they belong to previous generations or they are maiden names, and are mostly for the boys’ list.

I like the flow of [name]Nora[/name] [name]Kate[/name] but it feels strange including my own name. I really like [name]Nora[/name] with a spunky, one syllable middle name. I’ve tried [name]Nora[/name] [name]May[/name] but am not loving it. Any suggestions for cute but grown-up one syllable names to go with our favorite?

ETA: My husband’s view: he loves [name]Nora[/name] [name]Kate[/name] and really likes it even more that my FN would be the MN. I remain less than convinced! I know I have [name]June[/name] in my siggy but Husband doesn’t love it.

I personally think that [name]Nora[/name] [name]Kate[/name] makes a stunning combo and having your name as your daughters middle names, makes it even more precious. Its a nice family connection and it doesn’t seem weird or tacky AT ALL. If you and your husband really like the combo, I say go for it. [name]Nora[/name] [name]May[/name] is nice as well! Here are some other suggestions:

[name]Nora[/name] [name]Leigh[/name]
[name]Nora[/name] [name]Jean[/name]
[name]Nora[/name] [name]Jane[/name]
[name]Nora[/name] [name]Lillian[/name]
[name]Nora[/name] [name]Beatrice[/name]
[name]Nora[/name] [name]Genevieve[/name]

[name]Hope[/name] this helps, [name]Bree[/name]

I think [name]Nora[/name] [name]Kate[/name] is adorable and I imagine she will love having the connection to you. I think it is very common for boys to have names connecting them to their fathers. I don’t see any problem at all with the same thing for a girl. I think you should go for it!

If you can name your son after your husband, why not name your daughter after you? My mom gave me her middle name as my middle and it’s one of the middles we plan to use if we ever have a daughter. I don’t think it’s strange.

I love [name]Nora[/name] [name]Kate[/name]! My friend named her little one [name]Stella[/name] [name]Kate[/name] and her first name is [name]Katie[/name] and I thought it was adorable! I also have my mom’s first name as my middle name.

I don’t think that it would be tacky or strange at all! It’s completely common for men to use their first name as a middle name for their sons, and even though it’s less common it always makes me happy to see families where the mother passes her first name down to her daughter as a middle name. I don’t know why it should be commonly accepted for men but not for women. [name]Nora[/name] [name]Kate[/name] is beautiful!

I totally love [name]Nora[/name] [name]Kate[/name]! I think your daughter will believe it an honor to have your name as her middle name & make her feel special! It’s not tacky at all. It sounds so pretty; I hope you use it!

Thanks everyone! I guess I was jut feeling a bit self-conscious. I really appreciate all the feedback. We’re going to stick with [name]Nora[/name] [name]Kate[/name] for now!

My middle name is my mother’s first name and I’ve always loved having that connection to her. Nothing tacky about it at all. I plan on passing the name down to my daughter, so that she has a connection to both me and my mother.

[name]Nora[/name] [name]Kate[/name] is a beautiful combo. My mother’s first name ([name]Annie[/name]) was used for my middle name ([name]Ann[/name]).

I think it’s a great name, and I don’t think there’s a problem with using your fn as her mn at all. My aunt has a rather traditional name for her generation, and her oldest daughter’s name is a derivation of her mn, and her youngest daughter’s name is a derivation of her first name.

I think if men can do it, then so should women. [name]Nora[/name] [name]Kate[/name] is a great name!

Men do it ALL THE TIME, for their sons (or request a ‘[name]Junior[/name]’). Why not the ladies, too?

No, I don’t consider it tacky at all and the name combo is lovely.

My middle name is my mothers name(well actually her middle name but she has gone by it since she was a kid so) and I plan on using it for my first daughters middle name. A connection to not only me, but her grandmother as well.

If I ever have a son, he will have a mn after his father (the fiancé requested it)… He actually wants me to use my mn for a future daughter… :slight_smile: I say go for it!

I love [name]Nora[/name] [name]Kate[/name]! It sounds spectacular! I don’t think that using your name for her middle name is a problem!

[name]Nora[/name] [name]Kate[/name] is beautiful and it’s awesome that you’ll have that connection with your mother. My mom is one of my best friends now that I’ve grown up a little . I wish I had one of her names but, sadly she hates her name.

I love [name]Nora[/name] [name]Kate[/name]! Very sweet.

At first I was very opposed to passing on my name, but I have really grown to love the name [name]Ashley[/name] and I think it could be cute in the MN spot. I especially like [name]Isabelle[/name] [name]Ashley[/name] and [name]Charlotte[/name] [name]Ashley[/name] from my own list. And if I could tell that my husband really wanted to honor me, and he sort of got hung up on it in an adorable way, I think I would do it happily. It’s taken me a while to come around to loving passing on my name, though. I certainly wouldn’t suggest it, though–I have so many family members I already want to honor, it feels sort of selfish to try and honor myself first. Although I would have LOVED to be named after my mom, like she was named after her mom, so maybe it is less selfish than I’ve always thought. The jury’s still out for me, but I do think I’d probably do it if my husband really loved the idea. :slight_smile:

Good luck!

[name]Nora[/name] [name]Kate[/name] is lovely, and I don’t think it’s weird to name a daughter after the mother. It’s actually a tradition in a branch of my extended family. It’s nice!