
Is [name]Valentine[/name] too much to be a FN for a boy in the US? Does it have to much teasing potential? Is it better left as MN? Does the NN [name]Val[/name] make it more accessible? We have some very special connections to [name]Valentine[/name]'s [name]Day[/name] and the 14th and would like to reflect that somewhere in our list.

I think it could work as a first name for a girl, but is better left in the middle spot, if at all for a boy. Sorry. =(

I know Eastern European guys names [name]Valentin[/name], and [name]Valentino[/name] would be possible, but definitely, unequivocably NOT [name]Valentine[/name].

I immediately thought of the kid in my class whose name was [name]Valentin[/name] - which I find very handsome.