
It sounds very cool!

I am from Finland. In the Finnish name [name_u]Valo[/name_u], the a is pronounced somewhat like in the word cAr and the o is prounounced like in the word tOp.

I pronounce the vowel in top and car essentially the same- a long ah sound. So basically, vahlah?

Hi! Ok so Var-lo kind of sound? Have I got that right?

Var-[name_m]Law[/name_m]?? Sounds

Hi, Iā€™m Finnish too and linked a recording of how to pronounce [name_u]Valo[/name_u] further up! It is difficult to express using [name_f]English[/name_f] words as examples, since the vowel sounds arenā€™t quite the same.

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I appreciate that thanks. Ok for me the best way to describe it would be the equivalent to the word [name_u]Valor[/name_u] but really elongate the A and the Oā€¦ Thatā€™s what it sounds like to me.

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Yes, thatā€™s right - you totally got it! :slight_smile: (Also, I saw your other post about your combos with [name_u]Valo[/name_u] earlier but donā€™t think I commented. [name_u]Noah[/name_u] [name_u]Lawrence[/name_u] [name_u]Valo[/name_u] sounds amazing to me. :heart:)

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Iā€™m so glad Iā€™ve got that right now ! Hah. It sounds so regal and handsome. And thanks. :full_moon_with_face::full_moon_with_face:

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