Vanessa and Natasha

I just heard the sad news of [name]Lynn[/name] Redgrave’s death, and started thinking about her famous sister, [name]Vanessa[/name], and her niece, [name]Natasha[/name], who passed away last year…what beautiful names: [name]Natasha[/name] and [name]Vanessa[/name]!

I would like [name]Natasha[/name], but the nickname [name]Tasha[/name] really puts me off for some reason. And [name]Vanessa[/name] really is beautiful, but I went to school with so many of them that to me it’s really dated (I think half the girls in my grade had names that start with V). I love the nickname [name]Nessa[/name].

I agree–the nn [name]Nessa[/name] is beautiful! [name]Vanessa[/name] was not a common name when I was growing up. [name]Natasha[/name] seems so exotic to me.

[name]Vanessa[/name] - Someone should have pointed this one out to me when I was young and in my V phase. I mean, I knew it existed, but I didn’t think of it often enough. It would’ve gone way up on my list.

[name]Natasha[/name] - This one feels almost as stuffy as [name]Olga[/name], a Russian name with no glamor left. [name]Tasha[/name] is fun, but I’d never personally use a [name]Christmas[/name] name.