I have had two c-sections the first because my baby was breech the second because there was only 15months between the birth of my 1st and 2nd child which didn’t meet the criteria for a VBAC. I am hoping to VBAC with my third child because we would like a large family. I am wondering if anyone has any had a VBAC after having more than one section? What was it like? Any complications? Did you have a hospital or homebirth? A midwife or OB? If you were in hospital did you have to be stapped to the monitor the whole time or were you allowed to move around? Did you have an epidural? Any experience or advice you willing to share would be appreciated!
From what I have read I know that a VBAC can be highly dependant on your doctor. Find a doctor that has a lot of experience with VBACs and is comfortable with attempting one. Make sure you have a well informed birth plan with plenty of supporters. You might consider getting a doula.
Here’s a story about successfully fighting for a hospital VBAC: http://thefeministbreeder.com/why-subscribe/the-jules-michael-vbac-birth-story/.
Good luck!
VBA2C, as it’s abbreviated, can certainly be done. It has very real and very serious risks to yourself and to your baby. However, many practitioners consider those risks small enough to support a monitored trial of labor, to see how you go. Your desire for a large family is certainly a good reason to avoid future cesareans, if you can. However, you should never, ever even contemplate having a TOLA2C out of hospital, nor unmonitored. The dangers of abnormal placentation and uterine rupture increase with each c-section. Without access to interventions, any complication can be catastropic, and I don’t use that word lightly.
Also the blog linked to above is written by a very unstable person whom I would not pay much attention to.