VBAC talk!

[name_m]Hi[/name_m] ladies,
Any moms in here doing vbac? This baby will be my second vba3c! I’m so excited! I have finally found an awesome doctor. ”:blush:

I wish I could do a VBAC, but since I tend to have high risk pregnancies the local midwives won’t do one, and the closest hospital that does them is 150 miles away.

I fully intend to have a VBAC and have read a bit on the subject. My labor with [name_f]Matilda[/name_f] was considered high risk because she was breech. With my son [name_m]Henry[/name_m] before her’s we had a wonderful waterbirth at the maternity hospital 20 minutes from our home and I really want it to be the same for this baby.

With my first I had induced labor due to gestational diabetes. Labor lasted 56 hours, she was in distress, breech, and face up, and I never progressed past 6 cm.

Sis had one, went very well. Her c-section was a nightmare.