
[name]Vera[/name] is a new name crush. What are your opinions berries? Thanks in advance!

[name]Vera[/name] is one of my favorite girl names. [name]Love[/name] with [name]Merryn[/name], [name]Eliana[/name] or [name]Rose[/name] as mn.

Also love [name]Cora[/name], [name]Coraline[/name], [name]Elsa[/name] and [name]Paloma[/name].

I’ve been falling in love with it myself. It’s elegant yet short and sweet.

I like [name]Vera[/name] but don’t love it. I vastly prefer [name]Verity[/name], personally.

[name]Vera[/name] is lovely, even though it will forever be associated with [name]Vera[/name] Wang.

[name]Love[/name] it paired with [name]Guinevere[/name]. [name]Vera[/name] [name]Guinevere[/name] sounds lovely. I also like the name [name]Hera[/name].

I adore it! It’s one of my favorites. There may be some correction issues since there are two popular ways of saying it, but not enough to deter me. I think it’s classic yet spunky and I can see it working on all ages, and fitting in with all different professions and lifestyles. I just think it’s beautiful and really versatile.

I love it. [name]Elvira[/name] was my great grandmother’s name (pronounced [name]Elle[/name]-veer-uh) and I would consider using [name]Vera[/name] to honor her (I would imagine most people would pronounce [name]Elvira[/name] like [name]Elle[/name]-Veye-ruh like the movie character)

What other [name]Vera[/name] pronunciation is there besides [name]Veer[/name]-uh (like [name]Vera[/name] Wang or Aloe [name]Vera[/name])?

[name]Vera[/name] is lovely. I knew someone my own age with this name and it was so refreshing. Her parents got a jump on the “old lady name” trend. She has a sister named [name]Sylvia[/name]. I adore vintage names for girls!

I like [name]Vera[/name], it’s nms but I would like to see it on someone else’s little girl. Its very vintage/modern sophisticated to me.

Ooh, I love [name]Vera[/name], both on its own and as a nickname for [name]Verity[/name] and [name]Veronica[/name]. It’s full of vintage chic. There’s was a little [name]Vera[/name] at my son’s preschool and it was so charming on a child.

@taz, I can’t speak for neuilly, but I pronounce the vera in aloe vera more like VAIR-uh. I pronounce [name]Vera[/name] the name as [name]VEER[/name]-uh, though.

[name]Love[/name] it, probably because one of my best friends is named [name]Vera[/name] [name]Louise[/name] :slight_smile:
[name]One[/name] of those names that looks cute on a little girl and classy on a woman if you ask me!

I love [name]Vera[/name]! I think it’s also cute short for [name]Verena[/name]. (Veh-ray-nah) But you might like it better pronounced “Vee-rah”, I can never tell by looking at it!